Thursday, July 28, 2005

New Web Site

This web site gets a post all of it's own it is so good. Great books, articles, essays, radio sites, you name it. All to get you thinking.

Article: The state of the union

Here's a great article by allen barker, who is a hero now of over ten years, since the time his torture started. Check out his story in the link previously provided. This article sort of sums up a lot of what this country has become thanks to certain idiots in our government.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Articles: NSA and Satellites

This blog must be getting too big because some of my first articles are not coming up on the blog so let me give you the links to these two very important web site articles. These must be read in their entirety if you want to get to the truth.

This one is about the menace of satellite surveillance:

This one involves a lawsuit filed against the NSA:

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Article: The Perpetrators

Here is a link to one already posted that deals with just a little bit of the psychology of these individuals.

Also a report of a woman who actually endured the MKULTRA atrocities. Read it and weep.


"The saddest epitaph which can be carved in memory of a vanished liberty is that it was lost because its possessors failed to stretch forth a saving hand while yet there was time."
-----Justice George Southerland

Article: Links

Here are some more links to important information concerning surveillance. These article are too long to post so go to the link provided and make a copy either electronic or hard for your reference. I have taken a lot of time to find this information so you don't have to. My goal is to have all this material along with my perspective all gathered together in one place. I have spent the last year gathering the data and doing the research. Here are the links:

Check out this amazing video.

Article: Patriot Act II

This is a PDF of the Patriot Act II that Bush and all the Federal Agencies out there would love to get passed. I am going to go into great detail about what I think about the first Patriot Act which should not exist. Briefly it is my belief, after exhaustive research that parts of the U.S. Gov and the Bush administration were at least complicit in the 911 tragedy if not responsible. So it follows that if 911 had never of happended then nothing that has taken place afterward would have happened I.E The Patriot Act I or II, The war in Afghanistan and Iraq, Abu Graib, Guantamino, and all the deaths and destroyed human beings that has happened since forth. So the first thing we need to do is some how expose the real truth behind 911 and not the official report. In fact I think we should never give up on this, too heavy a price has been paid, not even peak oil should stand in the way. We should also continue to build a case so that when this adminstration is done in 2008 we start the murder trials on certain individuals. Patriot Act I has done nothing to curb terrorism, the only thing it destroyed was freedom and liberty for everyone in this country. If we were interested in catching terrorists we would not of let 18 Saudi Arabians leave on a jet plane the same day every other plane in the country was grounded. Think about it people. Wake up. Here is the web link to the PDF file:

Read it and Weep. Literally.

Article: NSA Post-Hypnotic Scripts

Hey folks I have here another great article that is essential to understanding the capabilities of these criminals against humanity. With a lot of these articles I just print hard copies of them and read them everywhere I go so I'm not tied down to a computer. In fact I have hard copies of hundreds of articles and have about 3 loose leaf books filled that I read and refer to often. The following link will take you right to the article. As with the rest of the articles I only include my commentary seperate from the article itself so there is no confusion as to who the material is from. Here is the web link:

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Article: Motives for Mind Control

Motives for Mind Control

This is very important to read. It will give the reasons WHY this is being done to certain people. So for all those out there saying, "Why would our government do that." check it out. This article is so good that I printed a hard copy of the whole article and read it often.

The Meat of the Matter

From here forward I will be going into describing and analyzing the activities and capabilities of the NSA and the implications this could have for people here in the U.S. and in foreign countries. I will try to concentrate on this umbrella of surveillance and mind control that the NSA operate from under. I want to show how what is being done to me technically could and is being done physically to people and the possible ramifications of this. This will involve a psychological and political analyses of these concepts. The articles I want to refer you to are to long to put on the blog so I will put up portions of the article and give you website links to get to the actual article in its entirety. To really undertand what I am going to be writing about you will have to do some research before hand. The following article by Allen Barker who is a professor in Virginia will give you the reasons and motives why this technology exists and how it is being used. It is almost unbelievable. Anyway you look at it these are CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY paid with your taxes folks for the last fifty plus years. After you read that article I am going to explain in general terms how this technology works and how it could affect you.


"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing!"--Edmund Burke

Monday, July 18, 2005

New Web links

I have recently updated the web links post. You all have to check out Alex Jones' websites prison planet and info wars. This guy seems to be on top of a lot of important stuff. Get in the race !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Race

I had this idea the other day that I want to share with everybody. The concept was that of a race like a marathon. I feel like I am writing to three different types of people out there. One is those who won't believe anything you tell them or are to afraid to believe (hopefully they don't have children) because their inaction and disbelief might come back to haunt them. The second group I call the Choir (preaching to the choir), these people have an idea of whats going on and are starting to tune in to the truth or as wittgenstein would say "true enough". So my focus is on the middle group, the group who don't know that a race is taking place. A race toward freedom or slavery. Here is my analogy: let say we are all partcipating in a race but some people don't know that the race has started they're either waiting for the gun to go off or they didn't here it go off. If you are on the team for freedom and you missed the gun then that is one less person the freedom team has to win. The equivalent to missing the gun is equal to not being aware of what is going around you and in the world and not standing up and fighting for freedom. The things that can distract you from the race are time, money, comfort, disinformation, and cohercion just to name a few. If you don't have time because of your career and work or family and entainment pursuits you may never take the time to find out what is going on all the time out of the publics eye. Foxxxx news and reality shows don't have the answers. Money is tricky, if you have a lot then maybe all is well for you and you don't care about what is going on. If you don't have a lot of money and have to raise a family then this feeds back into the time factor i.e work. Cohercion in the form of this underlying feeling of fear and threat can distract you also. If you are afraid to find this information out and take action because they might come for you then you won't take action and you will miss the gun. This is such a large issue I will have to expand on it later in the blog. But the point is that apathy and ignorance are the major detriments to our freedom, always have been.


Here is a link to great article on COINTELPRO which stands for Counter Intelligence Program a program of illegal activities that make a total mockery of the law all endorsed by the head pervert J. Edgar Hoover which prooves to me there was no Chain of Command but a Chain of Corruption. The supposed reforms it went through didn't go anywhere and are alive and well with new technology and new laws like the patriot act making the crimes they did back then now legal. I am going to have a whole post on just Solutions to the problems I am bringing up but I want to mention one now. I think we need an all new, all powerful, all encompassing, CHURCH REPORT to take place again with every agency out there, with no limits to the investigation. Anyhow here is the link:

Anybody who loves freedom should definetly consider what this article is about.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

The scoop, the whole scoop and nothing but the scoop

"We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth...For my part, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst; and to provide for it." ---Patrick Henry

Ok folks I am not going to spend a great deal on this because a lot will be in the book I'm writing and because it's old. I have to tell about the background so you can understand how the present is developing.

I finally put all the pieces of this situation together. How I put the pieces together is not important but what was discovered is. I found out through different means that I have been the victim of a rouge DEA agent from Tennessee. I have learned that I have been under illegal surveillance for over ten years now. Once I saw his face I realized he was an "old timer" and probably had the latitude to be able to this. He got authorization to follow me from Tenneesee because of a bail I made for a soldier that was arrested after he set the soldier up in West Virginia. Anyhow he follows me to Oregon after I had discharged from the Army and sets up camp in the apartment above me and through out the rest of the apartment complex. After conducting more illegal surveillance and a smear and whisper campaign through out the city he was finally compromised and the extent of the operation was understood. Following the compromise they continued to remain undercover and harrass and surveil me all night culminating in him requesting that a SWAT sniper be emplaced at the apartment complex. After the ground commander and sniper were compromised and I left the premises they continued to harass and surveil me throughout the morning. Upon returning back to my apartment that morning I realize that there is a full Swat team positioned in the apartment above me where they were conducting there surveillance from. At some point the local police arrive outside my house and ask if they can search my apartment which I let them do and then I went downtown to talk with some people about what was going on. I told them what I thought was going on and was told to basically ignore everything. Shortly after this, with no charges being made I discover that my home and car are being illegally entered and searched daily without my presence or a warrant thanks to the (pardon my french) fucking PATRIOT ACT which in and of itself is a CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY. With this agents operation compromised it was time to go into COINTELPRO mode. They use the excuse of containment and safety for everyone involved as their protocol for bringing in another deep cover agent (FBI) with satellite capabilities to come and rescue the day for everybody. So using COINTELPRO tactics he tries to persuade everybody in the community that I would be better off if I got a haircut and moved back to the east coast where I am from, preferably NEWYORK, (For my own good of course, wink wink nod nod). Well before he could accomplish that he was compromised and identified by me. So instead I moved to another residence in town. Well, this wasn't good enough because they continued to surveil and harass me at my new residence. They were also compromised with me recording two agents entering my house and removing and replacing one of three smoke detectors that were installed before I moved in and then talking shit as they left the house. By the way they entered the house with a key but that's all in the book. They were also compromised when I found listening devices under my house and cut an underground wire that went from my house to the house across the street. After a year of this COINTELPRO bullshit all authorized through the Patriot Act and their bullshit protocol I decided to move again. Nothing changed and the NSA are in on the scene by now. That brings us up to the present.


At this point there have still been no warrants or charges made. My crime is being an Ex-Green Beret living in a very liberal community who has changed his mind about what this administration is getting away with and what this government is now allowed to do. I.E 911/Iraq War/Elections/Patriot Act/ EEEEEEEEETTTTTTTTCCCCCCCCC.

The DEA agent wanted me dead because his lying bullshit operation was being unraveled and get this folks he was using surveillance photos taken illegaly of women who were in the military and were either my friends of wives of my friends and was having pornographic directors in California use them in films he felt I would be inclined to watch. Pre 911. He got caught hard.

The FBI agent wanted me in NewYork (or anywhere on the east coast where this shit has taken place for ten years) so that this bullshit could continue in a place he had more control over, more people to use and where the community would not know the truth that this community was learning.

The NSA are now in the situation because nothing else has worked and if they want to continue their crimes while maintaining the support of some really stupid people in the community they must remain anonymous. They also have the technology to get away with murder and not get caught. They are currently torturing me through the use of Electromagentic waves from special satellites that are controlled form underground nuclear hardened bunkers in VA/MD/CO and other places throughout the U.S. The current forms of torture are electric shocks to everyplace on the body, muscle tinnitus (spasms, mostly at night), REM DEP (or sleep deprivation in the reapid eye movement state) and various other methods. I will get into great detail about how all this works later. You will have to do some research on your own but I will guide you through important points.


I thought I would add a disclaimer to this blog. The opinions in this blog are mine only and the information contained herein is for informational purposes only.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Recommended reading and watching

I have also decided to create a list of good background books and VHS/DVD to help give you an idea of what's already known about these subjects and what we can learn from them. An * indicates that I either own or have read/watched the book/video.

Cointelpro Papers by Ward Churchil and Jim Vanderwall--Book *
Agents of Repression by Ward Churchill and Jim Vanderwall--Book*
The Secret Team by L. Fletcher Prouty--Book*
The Puzzle Palace by James Bamford--Book
Body of Secrets by James Bamford--Book*
Powderburns by Celerino Castillo III--Book
Dark Alliance by Gary Webb--Book
Cocaine Politics: Drugs, Armies, and the CIA in Central America by Peter Dale Scott--Book
Whiteout: the CIA, Drugs, and the Press by Alexander Cockburn--Book
Crossing the Rubicon by Miceal Ruppert--Book*
Exception to the Rulers by Amy Goodman--Book*
Culture of Secrecy: The Government versus the Peoples Right to Know by Athan G. Theoharis--Book*
Vitual Government by Alex Constantine--Book
Psychic Dictatorship by Alex Constantine--Book*
Inside Job: Unmasking the Conspiracies of 9/11 by Jim Marrs--Book
Mind Control, World Control by Jim Keith--Book
The Mass Psychology of Fascism by Wilhelm Reich--Book*
Outfoxed-Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism--DVD*
Fahrenheit 9/11 by Michael Moore--DVD*
Bush Family Fortunes-The Best Documentary Money Can Buy (2004)--DVD*
Control Room--DVD*
The Corporation (2004)--DVD*

Website links

Hey everybody I have decided to go with a list of important websites that will help you get an idea of what is going on from different perspectives. Some of these websites are about mind control technologies, peak oil, the truth about 911, and various other important sources of independent thought and media which is getting harder and harder to find these days. This list will continually be added to as I find more.