Monday, November 28, 2005

EMF Book "The Matrix Deciphered"

Check it out folks a new book by an insider on these treasonous crimes that certain entities are developing and engaging in. These weapons are being used on non-consensual Americans without their knowledge. Read and copy the book while you still can. May God help us all.

Copy and paste

Cost of Iraq War

Here is the running tally that we are spending on this illegal war.

copy and paste if needed

Abe Lincoln

"Our safety, our liberty, depends upon preserving the Constitution of 
the United States as our Fathers made it inviolate. The people of the 
United States are the rightful masters of both Congress and the 
Courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men 
who pervert the Constitution.": Abraham Lincoln

911 victims

This is a plea to all fire fighters, emergency personell, clean cops, journalists, activists, and all the victims of the 911 tragedy to keep up the fight. We can never let this die to many people have paid the price for this to go away without prosecutions. We have to continue our endeavor because we know the truth, which is this; certain people in this government financed those terrorist, they scrambled our ability to intercept the planes intentionally, the fires were out, the building were brought down with explosives and demolitions because jet fuel doesn't get hot enought to crumple all that steel, the evidence was shipped away without analysis, certain people in the stock market made money this day, the owner of the buildings won an issurance claim, plane loads of arabs were allowed to leave on a plane that day when all else was grounded, you know the littany. Please read Crossing the Rubicon by Micheal Ruppert and other good books exposing the lies. We must start preparing now on ways to prosecute G Jr. and Dick for involvement in this tragedy. If we prosecute these two criminals they may lead us to the others in these various agencies. They are criminals with blackmail and dirt on each other so it's going to be hard. They also have plans to put in the next president so that they can't be prosecuted because they would be business partners and we can't have that. They also just put in the Chief Justice they wanted to help in this manner. 911 must never die for if it does it will happen again except this time worse.

"No people will tamely surrender their Liberties, nor can any be 
easily subdued, when knowledge is diffused and virtue is preserved. On 
the contrary, when people are universally ignorant, and debauched in 
their manners, they will sink under their own weight without the aid 
of foreign invaders." -- Samuel Adams (letter to James Warren, 4 
November 1775)

Rant in A Minor

Hey all I got the idea for the title of this post from a comedian called Bill Hicks, whom I highly recommend. Anyway this little post is a way for me to vent a little frustration I am feeling, especially after a night of EMF harrassment from the NSA/CIA. This post will describe how they illegally go about harrassing innocent Americans. Up to this point I have not been charged with anything or approached by any of these shitbags but I have had my house repeatedly entered and my furniture vandalized by these cowards (FBI/DEA). They are conducting a bogus investigation which has run its end and so now they have resorted to what they always have, which is the EMF harrassment methods that I have discussed at length in this blog. This little post will descibe a little bit of something I haven't spoke of much which is the Defamation Campaign or Smear and Whisper strategies.
Here we go: If you have read this blog up to this point you know a little bit about my situation so I will start at the point of a Shitbag Coward from Tennessee In the DEA. After his bogus investigation here in Eugene OR started to fall apart and after his attempt to have me shot by Swat Snipers failed he resorted to an old tactic which he knows well Defamatioin and Lies. Here is how he worked it. The shitbag found people in the community who would relate to whatever particular lie he wanted to tell that would hit their buttons. Example: First off to everyone he would run his cake hole that I was a Meth head or dealer, to the christians he would run his cake hole that I was an atheist or satanic, to loggers his cake hole said I was an environmentalist, to everyone his cake hole would ring out pedophile, to athletes his cake hole sang I was a hippie, when it was discovered that I was in the army which he didn't tell anybody about, his cake hole spouted I was a terrorists. Each person got a different lie depending on what they believed so that nobody was left untouched. When asked for proof of all this later there was none, only his fucking shitbag coward cake hole fucking running. Now he's back in Tennessee fucking with some other soldier. Since the investigation is bogus there are no charges and no authority. Everybody is still waiting for the proof. There is none so they called up some other shitbags who fall under different laws who are not law enforcement at all. These so called intelligence agencies are now continuing to fuck with me in a way that is highly illegal but can't be detected or even talked about because of so called National Shitcurity reasons. To ensure that my story never got out and that their lies were never uncovered they ensured that nobody ever spoke to me about this or if the subject did come up to act like you didn't know anything. This was accomplished through coercion and gag orders as well. As of today their are still shitbag cowards going behind my back everyday at school and elsewhere telling lies and putting people up to stupid fucking antics. We have people running this EMF harrassment with their sattelites and computers relaying information they get from me to people on the ground here. There greatest hope was that I would move back east where this has gone on for over ten years. Well I got news for those reading this who are a part of this bullshit I ain't going nowhere (how's my fucking english). Also Mr. Titan if you want to meet at Oakmont Way Fitness Center again just let me know. In conclusion I want to offer a few websites for those out there who aren't aware about these little activities these so called agencies engage in.

P.S. Feel free to leave your comments.