Thursday, February 02, 2006

Surveillance Issues

Good information to know.

UPDATE (2005) - IBM's Blue Gene computer can reportedly process 227 trillion flops per second. Even if each calculation involved only one 'bit' of information, one such computer could process more information than five times the earth's total population... With supercomputers taking overt brain downloads within 40 years, total computer consciousness looms as an open threat for the future of mankind, just as, secretly, it already torments those victimised as covert targets of high tech brain monitoring technology.

Make a hard copy of The Ultimate Blasphemy article at the bottom of one of the pages. It dissappeared for a while for some reason.

The US has become a rouge nation

The US has become a rogue nation.Gentle reader, if you prefer comforting lies to harsh truths, don't read this column.

By Paul Craig Roberts02/01/06 "ICH" -- --

The state of the union is disastrous. By its naked aggression, bullying, illegal spying on Americans, and illegal torture and detentions, the Bush administration has demonstrated American contempt for the Geneva Convention, for human life and dignity, and for the civil liberties of its own citizens. Increasingly, the US is isolated in the world, having to resort to bribery and threats to impose its diktats. No country any longer looks to America for moral leadership. The US has become a rogue nation.

Black History Month

I thought I would pay tribute to African Americans today in respect for Black History Month. This will be a slightly unusual tribute though. This is for all the African Americans who have had their lives destroyed because they became victims of the so called "War on Drugs". They have been persecuted by White, Miserable, Mendacious, Menapausal, Misogynistic Men since who knows when. Just in my lifetime, drugs have been used to choke off black dissent, imprison blacks, demonize them, scapegoat them and use them for nefarious purposes. I was born in 1970 so I guess it continued through the Vietnam war with Heroin, Cocaine from South America in the 80's and 90's and now Heroin again from Afganistan. Well below are a list of books some of you may find interesting. The Truth shall set us free. Stay strong my brothers.

Whiteout: The CIA, Drugs and the Press (Paperback) by Alexander Cockburn, Jeffrey St. Clair

Dark Alliance: The CIA, the Contras, and the Crack Cocaine Explosion (Paperback) by Gary Webb

Cocaine Politics: Drugs, Armies, and the CIA in Central America (Paperback) by Peter Dale Scott, Jonathan Marshall "

The Politics of Heroin: CIA Complicity in the Global Drug Trade (Paperback) by Alfred W. McCoy "

Powderburns: Cocaine, Contras & the Drug War (Paperback) by Celerino, III Castillo, Dave Harmon

Start your discovery here:


I thought today I would write a little more about my situation especially since I am still being harrassed by the shitbags mentioned in this blog. I thought today I would write about cowardice. I have spent 12 years in the Army and have seen my share of cowardice in individuals but nothing beats what I am currently observing in these shitbags. Here are the levels they have reached: -----So-called "Special Agents", I call them Special Shitbags, harass me at night, while I sleep, using military satellites, while hiding in nuclear hardened underground bunkers on the other side of the continent. How's that. Well just when you think they can't possibly beat this level of cowardice they surprise you because they do this to others who are located in Prisons or Mental Institutions or are Homeless, people that can be easily discredited, but it gets worse folks, they also do this to WOMEN AND CHILDREN who are also in these places.

If anybody out there see's one of these shitbags entering or exiting one of these underground facilities let it be know that these shitbags are guilty of Treason and Crimes Against Humanity and should, well enough said, let your conscience be your guide. Do us all a favor.