Monday, February 27, 2006

Rumsfeld and the internet

Check it out folks. Rumsfeld wants to control the flow of information and communication even more then they already do. If you can control these two things you can effectively suppress whatever you want. I saw this coming and mentioned it earlier in the blog. THE number one threat to this country is not terrorism or drugs or muslims or whatever other bullshit they come up with. THE number one threat is TRUTH.

This article is an example of what white mendacious men do when going through MENOPAUSE.

Petrodollars versus Eurodollars

It's all about the money folks. It's simple they want to keep everything in U.S dollars which are freely printed at our leisure and then we exchange them for great wealth called Oil. The last person who holds the dollar gets fucked.

Check out this artcile about nukes, petro, dollars, euros, and the build up of another 9/11 type event and new middle east war.