Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Rape Of The Mind

THE RAPE OF THE MIND: The Psychology of Thought Control, Menticide, and Brainwashing, by Joost A. M. Meerloo, M.D., Instructor in Psychiatry, Columbia University Lecturer in Social Psychology, New School for Social Research, Former Chief, Psychological Department, Netherlands Forces, published in 1956, World Publishing Company. (Out of Print)


"And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul."
-Matthew 10:28

This book attempts to depict the strange transformation of the free human mind into an automatically responding machine a transformation which can be bought about by some of the cultural undercurrents in our present day society as well as by deliberate experiments in the service of a political ideology.

The rape of the mind and stealthy mental coercion are among the oldest crimes of mankind. They probably began back in pre historic days wheh man first discovered that he could exploit human qualities of empathy and understanding in order to exert power over his fellow men. The word "rape" is derived from the Latin word _rapere_, to snatch, but also is related to the words to rave and raven. It means to overwhelm and to enrapture, to invade, to usurp, to pillage and to steal.

The modern words "brainwashing," "thought control," and "menticide" serve to provide a clearer conception of the actual methods by which man's integrity can be violated. When a concept is given its right name, it can be more easily recognized and it is with this recognition that the opportunity for systematic correction begins.

In this book the reader will find a discussion of some of the imminent dangers which threaten free cultural interplay. It emphasizes the tremendous cultural implication of the subject of enforced mental intrusion. Not only the artificial techniques of coercion are important but even more the unobtrusive intrusion into our feeling and thinking. The danger of destruction of the spirit may be compared to the threat of total physical destruction through atomic warfare. Indeed, the two are related and intertwined.

My approach to this subject is based on the belief that it is only by looking at any problem from several angles that we are able to get at its heart.

According to Bohr's principle of complementarity, the rather simple phenomena of physics can be looked at from diverse viewpoints; different and seemingly contrasting concepts are needed to describe physical phenomena. For instance, for explanation of the behavior of electrons, both the concept of particle and the concept of wave are useful. The same is true for the even more complicated psychological and social interactions. We cannot look at brainwashing merely from a simple Pavlovian viewpoint. This book tries to do it also from the clinical descriptive view and from the concept of psychology; it tries to look at brainwashing from the standpoint that general mental coercion may belong to every human interaction.

Communication of any sort can almost be compared with trying to knock down a row of dolls in a throwing game. The more balls we throw, the greater is the probability that we may hit all the dolls. The more approaches we make to any problem, the greater chance we have of finding and grasping its essential core. Such detailed treatment will be impossible without some repetition in the text.

In this book we shall move from the specific subject of planned and deliberate mental coercion to the more general question of the influences in the modern world that tend to robotize and automatize man. The last chapters are devoted to the problem of inner backbone, as a first step in the direction of learning to maintain OUR MENTAL FREEDOM.

One of the great Dutch authors, Multatuli, wrote a letter to his friend excusing himself because the letter was so long: he had not had time enough to write a shorter one. In this paradox he expressed part of the problem of all search for expression and communication. It takes a long time to express an idea in a precise and communicable way. Yet being short and simple in one's descriptions is not always appreciated. Expecially modern psychology is loaded with superlearnedness with the secret intention of leaving the reading public awe stricken. The man who tries to express himself in simple words, bypassing jargon, risks being called popular and unscientific. Nevertheless, I am aware of the fact that I have been so much steeped in psychological terminology that I cannot completely forego psychological language. The real test of psychological clarity is the way the layman absorbs and understands the ideas communicated. My aim has been to write for the general public, not to popularize but to bring some order to the chaos of our particular epoch.

Every word man speaks is a plagiarism. The task of an author is to absorb, incorporate, and transform the knowledge and emotional currents of his own epoch and to present them in his own personal way, enriched by his own experiences. I am grateful, indeed, to all those whose ideas I have been able to borrow, and especially to all those who inspired me to write down my own thoughts on this controversial subject.

J.A.M.M. January, 1956

Go Here Now: http://www.ninehundred.net/control/forward.html

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Secret Agent Man



Spying is an age old practice carried out on behalf of groups, governments, corporations, even religious organisations but today’s spies are mostly desk bound rather than operating in the field; they monitor surveillance screens, they write, and they manipulate. Now, The Bard once wrote that all the world’s a stage and at least as far as modern day public figures are concerned, that is clearly true. However, few people realise that most players on the world stage are not only performing scripted roles but that those scripts are often prepared by writers who are spy agency plants or recruits.

Many other writers are also corruptible or worse, organised crime figures, many of these also being agency connected. This effectively gives those directing spy and/or crime operations direct control over world events and how they are perceived as well as social attitudes, opinions and even in some cases, our minds. Their first and best sell is to brainwash the public into believing that they are heroes. Of course in reality they’re not. They’re villains and this essay addresses that truth.

Many spies are placed in or recruited into key roles (both public and non public) where they can betray the general public with immunity from detection/prosecution. Contrary to the mass media portrayal of spying as some noble, heroic venture it is, in fact, more times than not a significant part of an overall conspiracy to oppress innocent citizens and suppress the truth. Again, this is done not on behalf of the general community but for the benefit of the criminal element that controls and preys on that community. In effect, that element is “The country” which spies protect in that they own it financially (usually as a result of criminal/dubious activity) and don’t want their crimes revealed. But by doing their dirty work spies become traitors to their real country which, especially in a democracy, should be the vast majority of the general population… not the land or its wealth or those that corruptly control both but the normal, average, law-abiding citizens that inhabit it.

This essay also deals with the various methods used by spies to betray us but the focus is on their treachery. By serving corrupt masters through their deceptions, their manipulations, their victimisations and other state sanctioned crimes they make themselves enemies of the people. Their functions/methods are often no less than crimes against humanity itself. A brief explanation of some of these methods follows (in no particular order).


Agencies have for a long time relied on controlling the flow of information to control our minds. That control has never been tighter than it is today. They place operatives everywhere that deception is convenient: politics, journalism, law enforcement, healthcare, beaurocracies etc. Forget the spy v spy scenarios of fictional fame, most spies victimise ordinary citizens. Also misinformation officers, like propaganda experts of all sorts, write for the mass media including writing news reports, ads, comedy, movies, articles, songs, books (including history books) etc. Hitler was infamous for organizing book burnings but these days that’s hardly necessary as today’s villains financially (through ownership) and practically (through staffing) control/censor the truth and/or totally prevent publication of it. Sex, violence and so on are not stringently censored but the truth regarding many important matters is brutally suppressed. Examples include the covert methodology and secrecy order protected technology outlined in this essay. Also course work in physics, psychiatry, law enforcement, even ethics reveals none of it (by design and law) thus allowing a range of crimes, unknown to most.

Sadly, people have become so comfortable with certain government/media/corporate lies, so conditioned to being “protected” from the truth, that they actually don’t want to hear or read the uglier truths. They prefer instead to believe the fantasies that they’ve been fed. This is never more so than when talking about the crimes of the ruling classes; public figures, wealthy businessmen, powerful agency personnel etc. The excuses and self delusional belief systems adopted by those associating with these criminals (other community leaders, employees etc) is proof positive that aside from those primarily guilty of the crimes in question there are many others prepared to turn a blind eye for material reward, mateship, through fear etc. Then there’s the distracted general public, brainwashed not to care about anything that doesn’t directly affect them as individuals (see “DISTRACTIONS” below). I believe this to be the single biggest problem of all... not the unintelligent who can’t understand, not the corrupt who refuse to acknowledge but the inaction of the apathetic and fearful who don’t want to know.

Selfish apathy and fear are problematic enough when looking at publicised issues like the environment, climate change, war/terrorism, poverty, weapons/drug proliferation etc but there’s something worse… The censorship/misinformation issue is by its very nature self-concealing and so the real reasons for other big problems often remain hidden from public view and so protected from community comment. The real issues get scant and incomplete coverage. Many don’t even know there is a “censorship” problem; brainwashed by mass media propaganda into believing the media and thinking that spies are good not evil. They have no idea of the crimes spies commit to protect the ruling criminal elite from criticism. If people know and accept that many police are corrupt, that many public icons are untrustworthy, that businessmen will rob them why are they so slow to see that agency personnel are better placed than any of them to get away with murder etc. Official state secrets privilege allows these criminals to cover their activities with bogus national security laws. This secrecy in turn allows state sanctioned treachery when open government is the only acceptable democratic method


Persons of interest (both good and bad) are monitored via satellite 24/7; many are also tormented and tortured through the use of satellite-based directed energy weapons and psychotronic attacks using neurophones (voice to skull technology), mind reading technologies and so on. For starters, all of us have our telecommunications monitored (via satellite e.g. the Echelon system), public figures also have audio/visual monitoring 24/7. Banned/censored writers, whistleblowers and anti-crime campaigners etc also have harassment 24/7… On top of that (strangely enough) terrorists, madmen and other criminals are also monitored but rarely stopped; creating a chaotic state of affairs for governments and agencies to control with legislation and high-tech interference in peoples lives.

This allows convenient events to occur without reference to the technology that could easily stop them but then, of course, people would wonder what else they’re used for if they were used to stop crime…


Computers/spies monitor telecommunications as well as all submitted writings, all real time conversations, and even some thoughts to create a mental slavery scenario where ordinary disempowered people can have their ideas stolen without recourse to the law. Monitoring of “persons of interest” who are not public figures actually also helps the corrupt to stay in touch with the common man (the silenced majority) and presents popular views and so on which are alien to the privileged few who run society. They do this not only because they’re thieves but because they will not tolerate honest men and women in their midst (there’s been a kind of “ethic cleansing”) and so have only one way of accessing and using those peoples ideas. The theft is covered with ridicule (the oldest spy trick of all) and denial. Because only the corruptible are accepted into public life it’s no surprise that most public figures are prepared to steal from the disempowered.


I should start by pointing out that this is very common and is a criminal practice well known to all media bodies including Australia’s Press Council, Broadcasting Authority and Journalists Association. To date nothing has been done to prevent it. The main reason for this is that the mainstream media is today made up of companies which are (almost exclusively) owned and controlled by organised crime and influenced by corrupt agency connections. This feedback method involves the most basic of spy methodology: to destroy opponents by ridicule. It can involve leading questions, misquotes and/or apparent “mistakes” or covers.

OK, so this practice, the most common of all harassment techniques (except maybe for tampering with mail and personal items, aircraft swoops and emergency vehicle “appearances”) involves the satellite/computer collection and dissemination of surveillance results and the “feeding back” of these results through media scripts. For example, on a given morning a victim might say “I’ve had a gutful of corrupt governments”, he may play golf, he may make his car repayment etc etc. Later that day he tunes into his favorite news program or reads his favorite afternoon newspaper etc only to find a clear focus on stories involving the very things he said (out of context). As the days, weeks, months roll by the coincidences multiply and the situation is repeated through ads, comedy, songs etc etc each and every day (incessantly) sometimes for decades. The intention is to criminally harass the victim in the hope that they go mad, bad etc as they’re surrounded by coincidences. If they complain to friends, family, authorities they can appear paranoid and be discredited (like the spreading of false rumours and the encouraging of personal ridicule, spies fuel this process by setting it all up to distance victims from any possible source of help). If victims approach the presenters of the surveillance scripted material for an explanation they can be institutionalized or at least severely embarrassed when the presenter feigns ignorance and treats the victim like a stalker or something. These presenters are accomplices who follow the instructions of criminal executives and agency liars. They are no better than their puppeteers. Law-abiding people with integrity would not participate in any of this. Unfortunately many prominent people have no integrity, having sold their souls for opportunity.


The present day portrayal of many Muslims as crazed terrorists, through events like The World Trade Centre tragedy of 11/09/01, is no different to Nero burning Rome and blaming it on the Christians. Throughout history the guilty have branded the innocent to cover their tracks and destroy their critics. One recent example was confirmed by ex Italian President Francesco Cossiga who admitted he helped set up Operation Gladio, a rogue spy network operating under the auspices of the US intelligence apparatus. These “Gladio” villains carried out bombings across Europe for over 3 decades (ending in the 80’s), all aimed at branding their ideological political opponents as terrorists. Similar set ups can be carried out against individuals to frame them to look like criminals when, in fact, they’re innocent, even vehemently opposed to crime. Again the agencies and their masters do this to conceal their own activities by discrediting their opponents. With catch cries of “don’t talk to him/them” or “do something for your country” or a combination of threats and rewards they also gain the co-operation of associates who should, in reality, help the victim’s not the victimisers.


In Roman times rulers offered “bread and circuses”, the British spoke of “beer and skittles” and today’s catch cry remains “sex and drugs and rock n’ roll”. But whether it be a harmless pastime or a sordid preoccupation the effect is the same… whilever people are focused on enjoying their own time and money with little or no concern for others they are out of the socio-political equation. The more time that’s spent on trivia and self gratification the harder it is for people to display integrity, altruism and compassion when confronted with life’s harsher realities. In other words, apathy takes hold. The encouragement of this situation is another agency function.


Scientists who know too much about secret weaponry/plans or who may pass on their knowledge/skills to others, celebrities who oppose crime in high places, whistleblowers who have details on specific wrongdoings etc etc are the innocent ones that can be killed. Whether it be by a convenient accident (overdose, plane or car crash etc) or working off personal health problem (cancers, heart attacks etc can be induced via technology) or an apparent assassination (Manchurian candidates can be remote-controlled through brainwashing) the agencies are often the attack dogs that do the dirty work of the ruling elite. That elite then sit back smugly in denial and delusion about their role in the crimes in question.

Then there’s also the more widespread killings effected through things like the promotion of the use of dangerous foods/chemicals or the use of appliances like mobile phones. There’s also the suppression of cures for cancer and other diseases and the introduction of others; such as AIDS. The CIA even has contingency plans for culling a high percentage of the world’s entire population.


It’s not just Masonic organisations that interfere here, agency personnel can masquerade as almost anyone (from a witness to a victim), they can stop proceedings/arguments with secrecy orders, they can prevent investigations by police or health experts and so on and so forth. They also sit behind the scenes and ensure that whilst media/government hypocrites willingly line up and condemn small time criminals (petty thieves, thugs, drug abusers etc) that more serious criminals (such as corporate fraudsters, statesmen “war mongers” and drug barons) are protected and are positively portrayed to the people. In addition, division is created between those few good people who may be closer to these criminals and those good people observing from afar. This removes any possible conflict.

Also, corruptible court and law enforcement officials, psychiatrists and others help to discredit those presenting the truth. It’s all part of the conspiracies of silence which are run on certain important matters. For psych’ experts used in court proceedings freeing the guilty and branding the innocent are well known practices. What’s not so well known is that the psych’ texts were prepared/vetted by agency psychiatrists to allow their colleagues to be used to silence anyone speaking the harsher truths. Terms such as “brainwashing” and “paranoid schizophrenia” were in fact penned by spy agency psychiatrists, principally to brand victims of covert harassment as being deranged and therefore not to be believed. Many agency targets as well as agency whistleblowers have been destroyed in this way. Honest psychiatrists who try to blow the whistle on the practice are, like knowledgeable scientists, murdered.


Naturally mere mention of organisations like the CIA or the Mossad creates a panic in people because deep down inside they very well know that spy agencies cannot be trusted. It’s not that members of the public have done anything wrong but they know that spies have. So it is with those agency/crime accomplices who are guilty by association; those who turn a blind eye to what their mates or celebrity friends or business acquaintances are up to. (One denial by a smiling celebrity negates a mountain of information). They co-operate out of fear, self interest etc and will not give the time of day to their associate’s targets. Even many members of the clergy are prepared to sell their souls for the gains received in this way. Sadly they’ll support their powerful contacts and sell out the innocent. They must do this with stars in their eyes, a “nobody’s perfect” excuse with regard to powerful criminals and a “he must be mad” delusion with regard to the innocent. The result is that instead of being thrown to the lions with the innocent victims they join the crowd and enjoy the blood sport. The level of hypocrisy is astounding.


The work of an agent provocateur has never been more effective than it is today.
Various harassment methods from surveillance feedback to audio torture by neurophone transmissions to high tech brainwave monitoring and even directed energy blasts are available to hurt/provoke their targets. Corrupt agency personnel and their criminal associates can also arrange aircraft swoops, siren wailing and face to face conflicts. With most people simple anger, fear etc may be the emotional responses but they do nothing illegal or immoral in response; just defend themselves.

However, when this provocation is directed at potential criminals or those mentally limited in some way the response can be catastrophic. For example neurophone input (a form of remote brainwashing when used on the weak-minded) was used on Martin Bryant (the accused from The Port Arthur massacre) and John Chapman (the man who killed John Lennon). Modern Manchurian Candidates like these can be fired up from a great distance. And in fact people like this are more and more often becoming the useful puppets of spies who are tagged/monitored themselves and so are confined to surveillance/harassment room operations. They need dupes and scapegoats to do their dirty work and high tech satellite equipment allows them to organise this remotely.


National security legislation, military acts, secrecy orders and all manner of official protection for crimes of the state are lined up to hide powerful criminals. Aside from what’s already been stated, if the resources/technology mentioned in this piece was made available to honest law enforcers instead of corruptible spies then everything from truth serums to satellite surveillance and mind reading technologies could be used to monitor, prevent, detect, capture, interrogate etc. Crime could be all but wiped out. But, of course, those controlling the technology (being themselves the greatest criminals of all) don’t want that. They want the mayhem to continue to justify crushing everyone’s basic human/civil rights so they fight their “war on terror” and launch “criminal crackdowns”etc. Meanwhile, spies and the ruling elite etc are protected, even from criticism, by the very technology that should be used to stop them. It’s all about control and money. There are no excuses, only lies and cover-ups. Goons from the secret service and other covert groups are all too often used to harass the innocent to protect the guilty from criticism.


Aside from the obvious personal promotion or destruction of the reputations of individuals via, lies/rumours/harassment etc (and almost every victim is confused about what has been said or how they’ve been set up) there are also elaborate hoaxes and scams run (using the secret technology mentioned). These include the promotion within the general community of notions such as the existence of aliens, ghosts, psychic phenomena etc. False beliefs flourish as a result.

How is it done? Easy… With the surveillance systems I’ve outlined. Computers hold a wealth of information on everyone. Couple that with secret technology that can move objects in any way and at frightening speed, and/or put a voice in your head and/or read your mind and/or cause you to hallucinate and/or feel pain, anger, sorrow etc etc. It’s all possible and from quite a distance away: Space.

Why is it done? Governments and corporations etc may want to silence or discredit someone; they may want human guinea pigs for an illegal experiment that no one would ever volunteer for; they may want to manipulate people (e.g. through a false psychic); they may want general community acceptance to legitimize an operation (e.g. NASA/military spending) etc etc.

Personally I believe that in each and every case of apparent paranormal psychic/alien phenomena there is a logical explanation leading back to the ruling elite (who betray us all by their secrecy on such matters). It’s all man’s inhumanity to man. There is a God and there is man. That is all. Everything else is the result of brainwashing and delusion.


The crime/spy controlled media picks and chooses the timing, slant and effects of its reports so as to warn, control, stop or destroy monitored persons. The message being to do (or not do) something that may have no connection to the “story” at all. For example, if powerful criminals want to warn a government on a serious policy matter they can arrange for a sex scandal involving MPs to be publicised or focus on some “slip of the tongue” and blow it out of proportion.

More seriously, with access to geophysical weaponry, spies (esp. military spies) can alter the weather, cause earthquakes etc (using equipment like HAARP in Alaska) etc. Satellite technology can also start fires, shoot down planes etc (without detection). Agency personnel can deliver many nasty warnings to get the co-operation of others


The modern term for brainwashing is mind control and today’s technology (incl satellite based neurophones, mind-reading software and mood management techniques) allows many mind control experiments as well as dream/idea/thought studies, set ups, remote torment/torture, interrogation, murder and more. The expanding scope of illegal human experimentation indicates that the oppressive control of the politically aware population is increasing. No longer are these operations restricted to the physical tampering with “missing persons” or “alien abductees”, today’s remote technologies are used to manipulate/restrict members of the wider population, across the broad spectrum of thinking, caring, knowledgeable people.

On top of this mental slavery is part of the overall slave trade which is currently third (behind the weapons and drug trades) on the list of illegal but lucrative human activities. All three are partially run by the CIA and other agencies and their criminal associates. And these are the people that are protected from scrutiny by bogus national security legislation and secrecy provisions… Without totally independent (and knowledgeable) regulatory or investigative bodies the agencies can act as they wish; breaking any legal/moral code and feeding off the population at will. All talk of a “need to know”, “protecting the population”, “classified” documents etc is usually little more than a phoney cover for sanctioned crime. In fact, the cover provided by bogus laws, wealth, power, position etc should be no defence yet laws and resources are made and allocated so as to provide cover for all manner of evil right up to and including illegal human experimentation and environmental ruin. In the case of national security, military, defamation and other laws the protection afforded the criminals far outweighs that granted to their victims.


These range from conspiracies of silence concerning oppressed citizens (falsely branded as anything from nuts to terrorists) right through to large scale operations like wars and false terrorist threats (e.g. see the earlier reference to Operation Gladio under “False Flag operations”). In between we have individual assassinations (some using Manchurian candidates or dupes) and tragic events like The New York World Trade Centre disaster. To shrink from the term “conspiracy” like it implies some sort of paranoia is to ignore the real world and retreat into fantasy land. The world is, in effect, run by conspiracies of one sort or another. The term even appears on the statute books (“conspiracy to murder”etc). It’s real and spies are the main culprits. Their harassment campaigns can be as simple as interfering with mail, bank a/c’s, bills etc right through to organizing overt/covert torment and high tech torture. The bigger conspiracies present the world itself in the wrong light to an unsuspecting population.


The arms trade, the drug trade, illegal experimentation, paedophile networks, prostitution rings, money laundering, financial scams and more are, to a large extent, shielded from law enforcement intervention, criticism etc by spy agencies which profit directly or indirectly from such criminal activity. The entertainment industry, responsible for our opinions, distractions etc, is criminally controlled and is also one of these protected operations.


What’s written here is based on research, observation, experts/victims anecdotes and personal experience gathered over nearly 20 years.

To verify my position and convince the reader of my personal integrity and genuine concern I should point out that I am a Uni graduate who has tried his hand at a variety of jobs. I have held responsible positions in both the public and private sector. I have neither committed nor seriously contemplated any wrongdoing of any sort, yet out of ignorance/curiosity I have applied for a number of jobs over the years with employers which I later learnt were involved in criminal activity.

One of these organisations was ASIO… having completed their testing procedures I was at a final interview when I was confronted by the question: “Are you prepared to do anything that you’re told to without question?” This immediately set off alarm bells. Clearly I would be asked to do things that were immoral or illegal etc so at this point I said “No” and abruptly walked out. My privacy may well have been invaded from that point. Certainly agency employees are monitored when they leave their employment; perhaps job applicants are similarly studied.

Similarly disturbing was the question I was asked when applying for work with a politician. Again, the final question put me off... it concerned corruption and what I’d do if the proverbial bag of money landed on my desk. My honest answer was clearly unacceptable; only the corruptible are welcome.

A third example involved an application to a TV station for work. Afterwards I criticised the media for their crimes of privacy invasion and harassment. That particular station was later responsible for a set up in which an unsuccessful attempt was made to silence me by having me committed. “This is what they (the media) do to people that cross them” said an employee of the institution in question. I later learned that many media targets had been silenced that way.

Clearly in all three cases my honesty was not to be tolerated. I later fielded multisourced and multi-faceted harassment from corporations, the media, government and (foreign) agencies etc after I wrote “In the year 2252”, a fictional anti-corruption novel (which was not based on my own experiences). The connections between organised crime (which runs the entire entertainment industry, including publishing) and corrupt spy agencies which can access high tech surveillance/harassment equipment became clearer from that point (1990-1991) as powerful criminals (wrongly assuming the novel was based on today’s criminals) came at me covertly to destroy me and prevent any chance of publication.


There are countless bodies reporting on agency misconduct but, more generally, Jack McLamb (ex police officer) runs an organisation called “Police and military against The New World Order” through which he tries to educate police and military employees about the ways they can be tricked into oppressing innocent people. However many wrongdoers are not tricked at all, they just follow orders and that’s no excuse.

It’s no excuse morally and it should be no excuse legally. We need independent watchdogs in these areas but, more importantly we need them for the clandestine and dangerously powerful world of spying where corruption is rife. There needs to be a system of checks and balances on personnel and resources for bodies that can kill/manipulate the mind, body, spirit and emotions as effectively as they can using modern (secretive) technology. Existing systems, like the inspector general’s office are a band aid in a battlefield; useless. For example, NASA’s Inspector General’s office suggested prayer was the only answer to all of this. Clearly they were as helpless as the victims.


The crimes committed by spies are, like those of connected criminals, protected from scrutiny by corrupt laws, corrupt law enforcement bodies and a corrupt media. Lesser criminals are apprehended, tried and punished and often vilified by more serious criminals masquerading as community leaders. These same people use spies and goons to do their dirty work and then go into denial about their role in it all.
In the absence of a genuine regulatory framework and proper independent supervision of spy operations all that individuals like myself can do is try to raise public awareness of the problems. It is clearly NOT a free world. You have the freedom to consume and live in blissful ignorance but that is all. As for democracy, free speech and other apparent rights, it’s all illusionary; the illusions being facilitated by agency criminals, the media and others. In other words, you live without oppression only if you’re totally self-absorbed and distracted to the point when you don’t want the truth; you don’t care. Those actually seeking the truth and/or challenging the crimes of the ruling classes are brutally (but covertly) destroyed.

Today, politics, the media and major corporate entities are primarily protected criminal operations with spies used as the enforcers. These spies are not the fictional heroes of entertainment fame but real life villains who betray the people. They commit crimes against humanity itself and lead the law-abiding majority in a direction they’d rather not go. If they only knew.


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Censoring The Truth

By Paul Baird

"Hard Evidence" Vol 7. No 4. pp 46-55


This article contains discussion of genuine human/democratic rights and civil liberties abuses with a focus on the restrictions to justice and individual freedom occurring whenever and wherever the truth is suppressed.

Firstly, it must be said that because influential criminals do control not only the bulk of the worlds wealth but also the more effective methods of information transfer (and personal expression) it is possible for them to severely limit peoples choices through censorship of the truth. For example, if a defence department (or one of its contractors) wants to develop an invention with a military application they get the government to place a secrecy order on it thereby gaining exclusive development rights and preventing the public from speculating on how it could be misused. Anyone attempting to expose the truth will then be covertly victimised, maybe even institutionalized. Also, to silence any wealthy/influential members of the community who may have an attack of conscience over the matter they use national security legislation, defamation laws, threats of scandals etc. It's all very neat, tight and totally undemocratic, allowing well-placed villains to dictate to us all. In fact secrecy orders are there to help governments to hide their crimes.

Another example relates to vital information connecting MP's with vested interest groups (affiliations, contributions, secret deals and so on). As a result the public is frequently hoodwinked by politicians and those that direct them. Accordingly, the voting, lobbying and protesting decisions that people make are often badly skewed because they are not in possession of all the facts. So, instead of governments being truly open and representative of the general population they usually reflect elitist attitudes on how society should be run and make decisions that favour the influential few. The rest of us are patronized with rhetoric and lies, being expected to trust people who are clearly not worthy of our trust. The systems of accountability (including the media) are inadequate and corrupt. MP's don't represent the people just because they're from the people, yet they should represent their views and ideals. Unfortunately democracy (government by the people) has become a remote notion not based in reality. It's only talk. Equally, the media don't inform the public or represent community standards on many issues; instead they harass and ostracise those that do; (refusing to even confront them lest their consciences be threatened by the truth). The barrier is placed there by agencies.

Our best solutions lie with our willingness to be open to the absolute truth and our demands that it be given to us. Only total disclosure will suffice as those entrusted with power are usually untrustworthy; abusing authority, opportunity and ability to make secret matters that belong in the public domain.

Go Here for article: http://www.surveillanceissues.com/surveill.htm#censoringthetruth

Go to the bottom of the page for article.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Minority Rules?


"Hard Evidence" Vol 6, No 4, pp 29-33, 2006.


It has become a standard cliché to declare that, on most matters and in most respects, the majority rules. However, after studying the influence and power held by those within certain minority groups you begin to understand that society is, in fact, not ruled by that principle but by a number of small vested interest groups which are largely made up of wealthy criminals. Because of this (on major issues) the only true representatives of the silent majority are often isolated activists, whistleblowers, campaigners and other marginalised figures who are neither in authority nor publicly recognizable persons, of any sort. On other matters where elected officials or famous faces do speak for the majority it's only because it's in their best interests to do so or it's a distraction; an issue of little real importance. The big issues are rarely dealt with fairly, openly or honestly.
People who resent this situation (and want the truth told) are scorned, ridiculed and (sometimes brutally) silenced, thus rendering them useless to the majority. Some of the crimes and deceptions used to neutralise these people are mentioned in this article. However, one of the more general means of deception is secrecy. "They" will argue that official state secrets, the existence of high powered advanced technologies, the links between agencies, media and criminal groups and much, much more must remain hidden from public view for the purposes of national security. Of course, that argument is a transparent nonsense. The powers that be and their criminal associates know all of these things already; the only ones kept in the dark are the people. So this secrecy is part of their system of terrorism, theft and control by stealth. The truth is that all involved in any of the practices described herein are criminals and traitors to mankind itself.



People often use clubs to exhibit extreme prejudices… In general we are all stereotyped and compartmentalised by ourselves and others based on our views, our lifestyles, our appearances and our beliefs. Some of it is nothing more than identification for the purposes of socialisation but some is far more sinister; eg criminal organisations like the Illuminati, The Club of Rome and The Mafia.
Despite the media mafia brainwashing that tells us that we live in a free society and that conspiracy theories are mostly based on paranoia, the truth is that the world is actually run by groups who deliberately organise conspiracies to maintain control. Most such arrangements amount to major criminal activity. An illustrative example is the Illuminati. This "club" is apparently a Masonic, super rich group based in Israel and London boasting member families like the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers. Groups like this organise or foster war, terrorism and so on by secretly sponsoring the enemies of justice. They do so to control the hearts and minds of the general population whilst destroying our world for their short term gains. Those opposing them are dealt with. Such people lust after wealth and control and use their lackies to do their dirty work; corrupt politicians, agency/military madmen, the media mafia etc. They also have a total lack of conscience about their role; being blinded by the rewards. In brief, rather than working for society those plotting and planning in secret inevitably work against it thereby betraying the most important of all clubs: mankind.


So why aren't the laws of the land drafted in such a way as to empower honest law enforcers to deal with hidden crime at this level? Because although elected representatives draft the laws "minority" groups effectively lobby/pressure politicians to do their bidding. Also, because these politicians often really don't have a good feel for what the general population expect/deserve, the powerful minorities (with ready access) are all the more likely to be able to present their arguments in isolation. These same secretive groups also control the mainstream media which, in turn, controls citizens views. This then determines the tenure of governments. So, the fact is that on the really big issues the truth has no chance of standing up alongside the lies because it's hidden from view. Remember, people don't really know this because those advocating the truth are belittled by the criminals they oppose. Naturally, criminals are only concerned with their own position and have no regard for how it affects others.


News Nazis, political puppets, military madmen, soulless spies and a mixture of mobsters all play their part. They work in unison, for mutual advantage, maintaining a code of silence on the important issues that ought to be addressed publicly; thereby betraying most citizens. If the truth were to be known they'd all be imprisoned instead many are trusted, admired, and followed by the unsuspecting majority. Again, the same culprits work together to silence and discredit those who advocate real democratic freedoms and public disclosure of the crimes committed under the guise of "national security". Sadly, rather than working for disclosure of the truth, television terrorists and others also monster and isolate those who try to disturb their corrupt code of silence.


Quite simply, far more damage than good is done by secret spy/military technologies. Take, for example, advanced satellite/computer systems. Some can detect, monitor, collect and collate information at a phenomenal rate (over 220 trillion calculations per second). That information can be gleaned from other computers, private conversations/communications, even thought processes. The equipment is set up by government agencies like the DIA (US Defense Intelligence Agency) and the NSA (National Security Agency) in places like Fort Meade, Maryland and by the CIA etc in places like the Langley Research Centre, Richmond, Virginia. The crimes of these organisations are deliberately hidden from the public, protected, as are the technologies, by corrupt secrecy laws. This is so even when they farm out the technology and/or the information to private sector criminals. Anyone opposing/questioning this or other important matters can be placed in one of their electronic Nazi concentration camps where they are slowly killed, by stealth. Vile experiments involving brain rape, neurophone voices and directed energy weapons torture are conducted on the targets to the immense amusement of those involved including the minority elite and their goon squads.


Audio visual surveillance and brain rape technologies yield ideas, secrets and more. Whether agency or syndicate connected, complicit writers, performers, statesmen and so on can be fed the results in any number of ways. If, like some agents, they're agreeable they can receive someone else's words or thoughts directly via neurophone input (subliminally or audibly). This, like inputting ideas whilst someone is asleep, allows the thief/harasser to delude themselves about how they obtained the information.
Similarly, reading off an autocue allows TV/radio presenters to distance themselves from the theft/harassment they are affecting when large sections of that material is mixed/matched/inserted (via computer) from surveillance results. Unfortunately, like the spy agencies, the military, politicians and big "business", the mass media mostly attracts and accepts people with limited compassion, social conscience and integrity. If they're asked to do something wrong they rarely hesitate knowing that they cannot be questioned or caught and that their "jobs" depend on it. The hypocrisy of this is that publicly they "ACT" as if they they're caring, responsible people and there are many deceived by that.


Media brainwashing sets things up so that psychiatrists can be used to discredit those targeted by the technologies involved. By failing to acknowledge that spies and connected criminals use high tech equipment the psych "professionals" can dismiss all victims complaints and label them as paranoid etc.. Eg they'll say that people getting remote messages or feedback from the mass media are delusional, that people hearing voices are schizophrenic and that anyone claiming to be persecuted using remote technologies of any sort must be paranoid. They dutifully apply these diagnoses and often institutionalise the targets. Personally I believe that many of them realise what they're doing but are too selfish/evil to care. In this respect they rank with politicians and journalists. And the worst amongst them are actively involved in destroying decent people to cover for their corrupt masters. In other words, they work for/with corrupt agencies and other criminals before, during and after their foul experiments.
It seems to me that if there were any honest psychiatrists we would be better served if they were able to apply themselves to dealing with beaurocratic control freaks, megalomaniacs and corporate fraudsters who, as part of the ruling minority, prey on the rest of society. They do so whilst "acting", of course, but they're outside the reach of the law (as the system stands) and so their power lust goes unchecked. If psychiatrists must meddle with their quackery (to justify their existence) why don't they ever tackle such real problems. The answer, as always, is self interest.


The ruling minority mould society to suit their purposes through brainwashing; propaganda and mushrooming. Again, anyone who questions their actual motives or the truth behind the facades is crushed quietly but thoroughly. Some of the more sinister, oppressive means of doing this involve the use of advanced satellite/computer systems of which the public is unaware.

A few of these are:-

• ECHELON SATELLITE SYSTEMS… these are NSA systems designed to monitor ALL telecommunications worldwide scanning for persons "of interest".
• AUDIO-VISUAL SATELLITE MONITORING… these target public figures and citizens "of interest", 24/7.
• TRANSECTOR DEVICES… these effect the satellite location, tracking etc of targets (eg US Pat #4893815 16/1/90 L. ROWAN).
• NEUROPHONE SYSTEMS… these allow the satellite or microwave transmissions of voices etc directly to the brain of targets (eg US Pat # 3393279 16/7/68 P. FLANAGAN and US Pat #3647970 7/3/72 P. FLANAGAN).
• BRAINWAVE ANALYSERS… these allow satellite brainwave scanning or neural monitoring plus electronic brain link ups with thought - deciphering computer software (eg US Pat #6011991 1/4/00 A. MARDIROSSIAN)
• DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS… these are too numerous to list but they allow destruction, movement of objects, personal illness, debilitation, even death (eg US Pat # 5123899 23/6/92 J.GALL & US Pat #5289439 22/2/94 J. GALL allowing control of consciousness/moods of the target).
Again, defence of the official secrecy surrounding these technologies is patent nonsense. N.B. properly applied, these technologies could wipe out terrorism, war, crime etc. They're clearly not being used for that purpose but abused to hurt ordinary citizens. It's all completely indefensible, that's the real reason why it's never discussed openly.


The technologies just listed allow for many crimes/deceptions as well as illegal human experiments. Some of these are as follows:-


Obviously covert torture can be carried out on targets in remote locations or situations without the need for the sort of criminal harassment that might leave evidence. Many writers, whistleblowers and human rights campaigners are marginalised, discredited and destroyed in this manner.


Many well known, published writers work for covert agencies and other criminals. By monitoring those people that the ruling minority wants silenced (people who think freely and honestly) they not only marginalize them but they also steal every idea at its source (ie straight from their minds before the thought is spoken let alone written). They also oppress monitored targets by feeding their own words back to them through the insertion of those words/ideas/"coincidences" into the corruptible medias scripts. This provides a double-barrelled attack on victims and halves the workload for "ghost"/spy writers who need to keep providing material and harass targets at the same time. Effectively, this way, the target helps harass themselves in a cruel, criminal game of cat and mouse. This is a very common practice.
Notably, targets react in different ways (at different times)… Some targets continue to produce ideas, falling for the fame trap, misinterpreting the maliciousness of all of this because public figures are involved. Some fall apart; believing others (not just public figure criminals) are in on it. Some believe they are inspiring thoughts and changes and so are prepared to endure a lack of privacy for their influence. Whatever the position at whatever time, all targets are victims of one of the cruelest most criminal systems of oppression ever devised.
Remember that invasion of a persons own mind (an unimaginably evil crime in itself) allows ideas to be passed to complicit writers (of any sort) directly or indirectly. Again, one indirect method is the voluntary acceptance of neurophone input which relays others thoughts. This could be done subliminally, using silent sound during sleep/dreams, or audibly. This would also allow those thieving material to defend any accusation because they have had no contact with those transferring the thoughts/ideas or the victim and can consciously call the thoughts their own.


Many let their egoes and imaginations block their minds on this one.
Remember that surveillance results/frequencies can be fed to the media leading to almost instantaneous live-to-air feedback if the target is tuned in. So, the gullible, observing media "coincidences", could come to believe that they are psychic. This is worse when mind reading/neurophone input makes one person receive anothers thoughts subliminally (equally the monitors know what events they are about to stage, what news/scripts are about to be presented and can feed you that subliminally). Therefore, in reality, the only real psychic experiences are the result of electronic telepathy. In other words, they're scams arranged courtesy of meddling by military/agency/criminal perps who are stealing, experimenting, deceiving and worse. Intuition and experience form all other explanations (the mind is a powerful instrument) even in the case of dreams or so-called "premonitions". In fact if targets are involved the future (as planned by monitors) can even be fed into their dreams/thoughts. It's all a trick and many are monitored without their knowledge.


Similarly people who honestly believe they've heard/seen ghosts or seen objects move across a room or "know where the bodies are buried" are victims/dupes. They prop up the covers for what's really going on by relaying their eerie tales in a vivid, convincing manner, because they're convinced themselves. The truth is it's all military or agency nonsense designed to manipulate people. Media entertainment focusing on all of this would be harmless fun but for the fact that many believe in the paranormal as a result. The presenters know that man-made hoaxing is rife but the public aren't given that knowledge and so many form their opinions based on limited information. The truth is most "supernatural" experiences are wrongly recorded or staged and the rest are errors of one sort or another.


Remember, using mind reading and neurophone technologies a non verbal conversation can be conducted. If you have no knowledge of that fact and are mesmerized by drugs (administered without your consent) as well as being presented with a high tech "show" (involving military "spaceships" and costumed "aliens") you could be forgiven for falling for this trick. It's usually a warning, an experiment or propaganda (often all three). As with other scams criticised here, I personally don't believe in anything except heaven and earth and the place the perps will end up. Like provoked/allowable terrorism, alien fairytales foster public approval of an obscene waste of vast amounts of government (and private) money; wasted on weapons of war, space research etc. And most of the funds end up being spent on even more evil technologies (such as those mentioned previously) rather than actual searches for so-called extraterrestrials. Now, certainly radio telescopes and deep space listening devices exist but many more viewing/listening devices are aimed at the earth; tormenting easy targets.


Many "madmen" are "triggered" by remote controlling mechanisms made available to military and agency organisations. Moods, physical pain levels, thought processes and so on can be created and altered via satellite using various secret technologies. For example, when neurophone voices are transmitted into the head of a potentially violent person disaster can follow; especially if they're also stupid enough to really believe what the transmissions tell them. Oklahoma city bomber, Timothy McVeigh and the Port Arthur massacre perpetrator, Martin Bryant were both provoked and set up by various agency scum who wanted to create disquiet and raise certain issues on behalf of their masters; our minority rulers. The fact is that these manipulators not only caused these events and many more but they could prevent most similar occurrences if they wanted to, using their surveillance capabilities for good instead of evil.
Unfortunately the evil minority profits from war, terrorism, carnage and the insecurity and misery they create. Tens of millions of lives could be lost in a war (eg WWII) and these creatures just reap the rewards without a thought for their fellow man, so it's not surprising that tragedies like the New York twin towers disaster are not only staged but then used. By used I mean used to direct public opinion where they want it to go; to accept reductions in civil liberties, to foster suspicion/hatred of certain ethnic/religious groups etc etc.


Because the powers that be can now listen, watch, talk, harm etc from remote locations (including satellites) experiments in controlling peoples actions, thoughts, opinions etc are constantly being conducted. Much of it involves media deception (as it always has) but they also stimulate and analyse dreams, provoke and manouvre combatants, use human thoughts for artificial intelligence/robotics research, and even carry out cloning studies. Many missing persons or "alien abductees" are also used in illegal government studies.
The public would overwhelmingly oppose any and all of this if they knew but they cannot because they are not told. In turn, those who know and do not try to tell the public are traitors to mankind itself. Nobody's career (or life) is more important. Individually and/or collectively public figures should make a stand but they do not because they have been desensitised, dehumanised and bastardized courtesy of the processes of selection and the system they work within. Equally, to ensure this works, they are all warned not to talk to their victims or people working to raise awareness on the issues in question.


Military power brokers and spy masters are behind all of this. These in turn are working for the minority elite. They target people who know the ugly truth as well as those who can be used as "remote-controlled" assassins, terrorists, etc. They also very effectively cover up the whole thing by manipulating puppets on the world stage through the control they exert over the worldwide, mainstream media. However, to victims those puppets display their master's real paranoia by their reactions to the words/actions of whistleblowers and others who try to alert the majority to the truth. Meanwhile they use terrorism etc to tighten their grip on society.
The media are more likely to cover up and condition/brainwash the public with things like paranormal/psychic/alien stories and so-called reality TV, making us gullible acceptors of the surveillance society yet to be fully revealed. Also, the media never present the truth on major crime or the really big issues because they are controlled by those responsible. Again, these same people control the surveillance technologies which could all but wipe out major crime but they choose instead to use it to protect themselves from questions, exposure and imprisonment. They do so by training their covert, anti-personnel weaponry on those promoting the truth, to silence and destroy them. The law enforcement agencies are powerless to stop this as they are understaffed, underresourced, undertrained and under the direction of the same government bodies which facilitate and foster the relevant crimes and oppression.


New methods of covert oppression are being discovered all the time. Whilever the laws (and law enforcers) are made to lag behind these advances honest, decent people will be secretly purged from "society" and given no opportunity to publicly address the big issues. Even critical statements from publicly recognizable bodies like the UN (UNIDIR), The European Parliament and the International Red Cross have not been reported openly where covert torture/oppression mechanisms have been highlighted so what chance do isolated groups or individuals have. This veil of secrecy is a disgraceful, treacherous means of dismissing the views of the vast majority of the worlds citizens but again, even if it was raised then new methods would take their place. So whilst the weapons used are of concern the mentality that fosters their use is of even greater concern. The selfish, superior, suppressive and secretive attitude of our minority "rulers" are the real problem. It is the criminal thinking that allows one group of people to believe they are better than others and so have the right to mistreat them. If no one thought that way it couldn't happen. And it's not just atheists or those believing life is some incidental by product of a big bang (caused by no one or nothing in particular) who are to blame. Anyone who can dismiss in their minds and hearts the significance of hurting their fellow human beings (and the consequences) is a potentially dangerous creature.
Whilst basic human nature can be used as an excuse these attitudes are taught and are difficult to change so people should be taught otherwise in the first place. Community education on moral and ethical values should encompass the need to face and embrace the truth on all matters, the need to attain and maintain a high level of good character and the acceptance of the common humanity of all people. The extent to which such idealism is rejected or mocked by those who only pay lip service to what is right is the extent to which criminals and hypocrites now rule our societies. Such evil cannot be eradicated but it could be minimized if genuine efforts were made to engender our youth with the necessary values through education, role modeling and so on. For example, current efforts by governments to teach children to respect authority only serve the whole community if those taking on responsibilities (in public and private life) behave in a manner worthy of that respect. If authority figures do not exhibit integrity, morality and goodwill but instead seek control through personal opportunism then they betray the community. You are then looking at concealing their crimes when you ask people to respect them, regardless. You can respect their rights and not respond criminally yourself but the veil of respectability should be lifted before genuine respect is expected of anyone. To do otherwise is to foster corruption and this is what our society has been doing for many decades. Everything should be transparent and everyone accountable. No deceptions. No exceptions. Unless and until this is achieved you might as well ask an honest, informed citizen to believe in Santa Claus as to expect him or her to place their faith in authority figures who are clearly corruptible.
Now, walking alongside the corruptible we have others who are also part of the problem. These are the apathetic self-servers who may not partake in crimes themselves but are quite happy to assist those that do if it suits their purpose. The principles brought to mind by symbols like national flags and anthems (equality, integrity, justice and freedom) are just words, things to hide behind, for the criminal and his accomplices. Their hearts and minds don't envelop anything but self promotion and deception. And those agreeing to the secrecy surrounding the major betrayals going on today are in no ethical/moral position to judge what the public should or should not know because they are blinded by corruption. The only acceptable option is total disclosure. Only then could majority rule deliver equality, fair play, justice etc. It's totally unacceptable for vested interested groups (incl. the media, churches, govts etc) to talk about free speech, democracy etc yet be prepared to condone and/or commit crimes when it suits them; crimes against those speaking the truth on something that they want hidden.
Further to the "friendship/mateship" issue… Those associating with criminals must realise that major issues such as human rights, public accountability and truth in reporting are not going to be dealt with whilever they support criminals for their own personal gain. Those not against them are for them and so their associates betray us as well. The media in particular are controlled controllers who set the agenda, cover the truth on major matters and distract us with bread and circuses, beer and skittles, hoo ha and hoopla. For example, many tens of thousands of people die every day due to war, disease, famine and so on yet our emotions are more likely to be focused on isolated acts of terrorism and madness (occasionally) and mundane "cat up a tree" type matters (often) as well as celebrity gossip etc. Even when major events are covered (such as acts of terrorism) there is no reference to the real causes or the real culprits. Everything is presented so as to foster certain beliefs, to hide, to scapegoat and to deceive. Anyone involved in that process is, to one degree or another, a traitor. Once again, there is only one acceptable scenario: the truth in all things. And make no mistake, the agencies and their connections will, like Satan himself, use mockery and more to silence all talk of doing what is right with a "you're playing God" taunt. It's a cheap trick.
Since few of us maintain our youthful idealism the sort of morality/ethics we all need to accept the truth can often be lost, especially by those lured by promises made by our minority rulers. Corrupted minds are more likely to promote criminal attitudes or, at least, to accept them; especially in "business" dealings. Such people then bully/harass others into silence or apathy thus removing any obstacles to their criminal empires. To complete the argument, one long term answer is community/youth education; so that there are too many strong willed people of integrity for them to ignore or destroy. At the moment it is all too easy for them to select corruptible persons for influential or authoritative community roles in the media, government, beaurocracy etc. We also need laws and law enforcers to deal with the sort of technological evil referred to in this piece. That can only happen if the balance between good and evil is shifted. Since evil cannot present itself as such but must hide (as our public villains do) they could not openly oppose any suggestion that society, in general, needs to have certain values reemphasised if it is to avoid eventual deterioration. Maybe if we can somehow encourage that we may one day breed enough people of good character to deal with the problems generated by the criminal minority who rule our world.

Saturday, December 06, 2008

The Lie/Truth Debate

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

~~~~~ Joseph Goebbels quote

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Sacrifice We Can Believe In

It’s a systemic “problem” created by the bankers and the global elite, not grandma cashing her Social Security check. It’s all about crashing the economy and sweeping the financial game board clean so the banksters can impose a global cashless economic system of total control on the plebs, who will beg to be slaves after weathering the storm coming up.

It is no mistake the housing crisis spread to the financial markets. It was designed to take down the economy. “The current Globalist Financial Crisis is a Financial False Flag operation,” notes Alfred Lambremont Webre. “It is a controlled collapse of the globalist economic system, engineered by an international war crimes racketeering organization.” It was “designed to accelerate the deterioration of First World economies, democracies, and prosperity.”

View article here: http://www.infowars.com/?p=6195

Saturday, November 08, 2008


"He who learns must suffer, and, even in our sleep, pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God."


Current Reading

Check out these books to get a glimpse of the psychology of the criminals perpetrating the atrocities going on today.

Monarch: The New Phoenix Program (Paperback)
by Marshall G Thomas (Author)

The Secret Team: The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the United States and the World (Paperback)
by L. Fletcher Prouty (Author) "The most remarkable development in the management of America's relations with other countries during the quarter-century since the end of World War II has been..."

Go to amazon.com

Friday, November 07, 2008

Great Films

List of Great Films

Terrorstorm: Movie about 9/11 and false flag terrorism
View here: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8136133221213939183
Buy here: http://infowars-shop.stores.yahoo.net/index.html

Endgame: Movie about the blueprint for global destruction
View here: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1070329053600562261
Buy here: Same as Terrorstorm

Fabled Enemies: Terrorist networks tied to the U.S. Government
View here: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2144933190875239407
Buy here: Same as Terrorstorm

Loose Change Final Cut: One of the best films on the truth about 9/11 ever
View here: http://www.loosechange911.com/finalcut/
Buy here: Same as Terrorstorm

America’s Freedom to Fascism: Income tax fraud; the monetary takeover of America
View here: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1656880303867390173
Buy here: http://www.freedomtofascism.com/

Money as Debt: The greatest scam the world has ever known. What is money?
View here: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-9050474362583451279
Buy here: http://www.moneyasdebt.net/

America Drug War, The Last White Hope: The real story of the War on Drugs
View/Buy here: http://americandrugwar.com/

Zeitgeist: True source of the instability in our society and solutions
View/Buy here: http://www.zeitgeistmovie.com/
Watch both the Movie and the Addendum. Truly brilliant and mind opening

Monarch; Project Phoenix: Movie on Mind control/CIA/NSA
View here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2g_UZI9ikYI
There are multiple parts to this movie on You Tube

I find it best to watch the google videos in their original size which can be changed by clicking on the bottom right link of the screen. There is a drop down box there that says Google/video. I strongly encourage people to support these independent film makers by purchasing at least one of the videos and then copying which they recommend. This helps them pay for the costs of making the movie while at the same time getting the word out.

The best action one can take is to get a subscription to prisonplant.tv for 15 cents a day. There are a lot of great films and INTERVIEWS here.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Pentagon Wants Packs Of Robots To Detect "Non-cooperative Humans"

The Pentagon has put out a request to contractors to develop teams of robots that can search for, detect and track "non-cooperative" humans in "pursuit/evasion scenarios".

The request, which can be read on the Department of Defense Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program website here, calls for a "Multi-Robot Pursuit System" to be operated by one person.

The proposal describes the need to

"...develop a software/hardware suit that would enable a multi-robot team, together with a human operator, to search for and detect a non-cooperative human subject.

The main research task will involve determining the movements of the robot team through the environment to maximize the opportunity to find the subject, while minimizing the chances of missing the subject. If the operator is an active member of the search team, the software should minimize the chance that the operator may encounter the subject."

It is seemingly important to the Pentagon that the operator should not have to come into contact with the person being chased down by the machines.

See it here: http://infowars.net/articles/october2008/231008Robots.htm

Friday, October 17, 2008

Zeitgeist Addendum

Fascinating, Must See Movie Now:


See the full movie here: http://www.zeitgeistmovie.com/


Friday, October 10, 2008


Alex Jones Tv:Zeitgeist Addendum"The Review"1/3

Alex Jones Tv:Zeitgeist Addendum"The Review"2/3

Alex Jones Tv:Zeitgeist Addendum"The Review"3/3

Share The News

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Prof.Roger Masters on Alex Jones Tv:"Water Fluoridation"1/4


See all four parts. YouTube.

Important info here:


or Google: N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC) For Mercury Detoxification

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Thought Crimes Agenda Already Being Implemented

Lee Rogers
Rogue Government
August 7, 2008

The Department of Homeland Security is moving towards implementing a provision of the Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007 otherwise known as the thought crimes bill. This is despite the fact that the legislation has not been signed into law. The House version of the bill HR 1955 was passed by a margin of 404-6 where as the Senate version of the bill S 1959 is still awaiting action. One of the bill’s provisions gives the Department of Homeland Security the authority to fund a University based Center of Excellence to study ways to thwart what the government believes are extremist belief systems and radical ideologies of individual Americans. Another words, if the government doesn’t like the way you think, they are going to have teams of social scientists and behavioral experts trying to figure out the best way to deal with you. As it turns out, the Department of Homeland Security is already funding a Center of Excellence to study thought criminals in the United States at the University of Maryland. This shows that it doesn’t matter if S 1959 is defeated or not, as they are moving forward with this agenda with or without Congressional approval. In reality, Congress is nothing more than a staged circus to make people falsely believe that they actually have a say in what the government does. The Department of Homeland Security is funding research to setup an Orwellian system to deal with political dissenters under the guise of fighting terrorism and they care not if it is in accordance with what the people want. Another words, be prepared for the possibility of a future with re-education camps as a real life Ministry of Love system is implemented.

The following is taken from Security Products Online detailing the Department of Homeland Security’s funding of this Center of Excellence that will study thought crimes or as they like to call it the threat of homegrown terrorism and violent radicalization.

A team of more than 50 social scientists, armed with new federal funding, will extend its research into radicalization and the formation of terrorist groups in the United States and abroad. The researchers will also study the effectiveness of counter-terror strategies, as well as efforts to build community resilience to attacks.

Now, let’s take a look at section 899D of HR 1955 and we’ll see that what’s proposed in the bill has for all intents and purposes already become a reality.


`(a) Establishment- The Secretary of Homeland Security shall establish or designate a university-based Center of Excellence for the Study of Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism in the United States (hereinafter referred to as `Center’) following the merit-review processes and procedures and other limitations that have been previously established for selecting and supporting University Programs Centers of Excellence. The Center shall assist Federal, State, local and tribal homeland security officials through training, education, and research in preventing violent radicalization and homegrown terrorism in the United States. In carrying out this section, the Secretary may choose to either create a new Center designed exclusively for the purpose stated herein or identify and expand an existing Department of Homeland Security Center of Excellence so that a working group is exclusively designated within the existing Center of Excellence to achieve the purpose set forth in subsection (b).

`(b) Purpose- It shall be the purpose of the Center to study the social, criminal, political, psychological, and economic roots of violent radicalization and homegrown terrorism in the United States and methods that can be utilized by Federal, State, local, and tribal homeland security officials to mitigate violent radicalization and homegrown terrorism.

`(c) Activities- In carrying out this section, the Center shall–

`(1) contribute to the establishment of training, written materials, information, analytical assistance and professional resources to aid in combating violent radicalization and homegrown terrorism;

`(2) utilize theories, methods and data from the social and behavioral sciences to better understand the origins, dynamics, and social and psychological aspects of violent radicalization and homegrown terrorism;

`(3) conduct research on the motivational factors that lead to violent radicalization and homegrown terrorism; and

`(4) coordinate with other academic institutions studying the effects of violent radicalization and homegrown terrorism where appropriate.

The Department of Homeland Security is providing roughly $12 Million over 3 years to fund this research. Among the planned research includes building a database of U.S. extremist crime, studying how social networks spread thought crime, tracking sympathy and support for terrorism in the United States among various communities, studying the phony European white Al-Qaeda threat and much more.

The government has no business funding research studying the political beliefs of people and determining who may or may not be a potential terrorist based upon a vague definition of homegrown terrorism and violent radicalization. In fact, the definitions of these terms as defined in HR 1955 and S 1959 are up to the interpretation of the government. This means that a homegrown terrorist could potentially be anybody the government doesn’t like. Not only is it unconstitutional, but it opens up the flood gates for a tyranny only theorized in novels like George Orwell’s 1984. The social scientists that are being funded in this program could potentially suggest the implementation of programs that could include the round up of people for re-education based upon any sort of criteria even if no real crime has been committed. Literally, the Department of Homeland Security is funding research to go after people who have political beliefs and ideologies that are contrary to the agenda of the establishment. Unfortunately for the American people, they are employing the services of some very smart people to do this. Who knows what these people will come up with but considering what they’ve already done, it won’t be in the best interest of freedom.

In the Soviet Union, political dissidents and intellectuals were labeled crazy and put in mental institutions or slave labor camps. Could the same thing happen in the United States? After these scientists finish their research, it very well could considering what we see with the militarization of police and growing technological spy grid here in the United States. How can we assume that their recommendations will defend liberty when everything else the government has done in order to fight this phony terror threat has been contrary to the principles of freedom?

Particularly interesting is how they are concerned about activity on the Internet. Many freedom oriented radio networks and web sites have been formed over the past decade to protest what is becoming an increasingly corrupt and criminal government. The free flow of information is a real threat to the establishment and they are scrambling for ways to determine how to put the lid on it.

In closing, it is disturbing that the Department of Homeland Security would fund a program before a bill authorizing the action is signed into law. The provisions in the thought crimes bill represent the potential for total despotism and tyranny and even if a few of the provisions are implemented like this Center for Excellence funding, it marks a severe threat for liberty. These government terrorists must be defeated and there needs to be an investigation into the funding of this research which is unconstitutional on its face.

Monday, July 07, 2008

US Electromagnetic Weapons and Human Rights

A Study of the History of US Intelligence Community Human Rights Violations & Continuing Research in Electromagnetic Weapons.

by Peter Phillips and Lew Brown and Bridget Thornton

This research explores the current capabilities of the US military to use electromagnetic (EMF) devices to harass, intimidate, and kill individuals and the continuing possibilities of violations of human rights by the testing and deployment of these weapons. To establish historical precedent in the US for such acts, we document long-term human rights and freedom of thought violations by US military/intelligence organizations. Additionally, we explore contemporary evidence of on-going government research in EMF weapons technologies and examine the potentialities of continuing human rights abuses.

In the 1950s and 60s the CIA began work to find means for influencing human cognition, emotion and behavior. Through the use of the psychological understanding of the human being as a social animal and the ability to manipulate a subject’s environment through isolation, drugs and hypnosis, US funded scientists have long searched for better means of controlling human behavior.

This research has included the use of wireless directed electromagnetic energy under the heading of “Information Warfare” and “Non Lethal Weapons.” New technological capabilities have been developed in black budget projects1 over the last few decades— including the ability to influence human emotion, disrupt thought, and present excruciating pain through the manipulation of magnetic fields. The US military and intelligence agencies have at their disposal frightful new weapons, weapons that have likely already been covertly used and/or tested on humans, both here and abroad, and which could be directed against the public in the event of mass protests or civil disturbance.

Go Here For PDF:


Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Truth Rising: The Blueprint For Change

Alex Jones’ 9/11 Chronicles Part One: Truth Rising is more than a rollercoaster adventure through the various expressions of the 9/11 truth movement, it pays homage to a form of direct activism that has corrupt politicians scuttling for cover across the country as their crimes are exposed in public. The film is a blueprint for unravelling the 9/11 cover-up and going on the offensive in the name of truth.

Find out more here:


Get your copy NOW !!!!

Monday, June 30, 2008


"When I tell the truth, it is not for the sake of convincing those who do not know it, but for the sake of defending those that do."

~~~ William Blake

Covert Torture, Surveillance Jeopardizes the Freedom of American Citizens

Freedomfchs.com appeals to the Senate Judiciary Committee for a hearing regarding covert surveillance and advanced torture technology. The issue may seem like science fiction if it were not for the fact that real people are being victimized by directed energy weapons developed by the US Government.

Cincinnati, Ohio (PRWEB) June 24, 2008 -- As the issue of torturing foreign suspects plays out in Washington and the news media, there is a little-known aspect of the torture issue that some would find surprising and hopefully alarming. These issues are being brought to light by Freedom from Covert Harassment and Surveillance (FFCHS). FFCHS, a human rights organization, whose membership is comprised of victims both in the US and internationally has retained attorney Jonathan Wilson to represent them in combating these issues. Most recently, Attorney Wilson has addressed the Senate Judiciary Committee in a letter to Senator Patrick Leahy requesting a hearing and congressional investigation into FFCHS allegations. These allegations include non-consensual experimentation with Directed Energy Weapons (DEW's) and organized stalking perpetrated by the US military and other intelligence agencies, corporations, and teams of private citizens.

In March of 2008 FFCHS, in collaboration with Attorney Wilson, faced a challenging and ongoing crisis with compelling evidence pointing toward the need for governmental oversight and legislation that would protect targeted individuals against the use of DEW's and organized stalking via covert surveillance. DEW's are a class of military armaments that project sound and eight types of electromagnetic energy in the full spectrum - radio waves, microwaves, infrared waves, visible light, ultraviolet light, x rays, gamma rays, and cosmic waves. DEW's function by manipulating sound and energy with various wavelengths and frequencies used in current military applications and for covert purposes intended to torture, induce auditory effects, and inflict internal injury to unwitting civilian targets. Currently, the US Military Commissions Act of 2006, signed by President Bush contradicts the International Declaration of Human Rights in that it sanctions inhumane treatment and torture. In a web of complex overlays there is no protection for victims. FFCHS believes that immediate intervention from Congress is imperative to achieve the goal of freedom from DEW abuses, unwarranted surveillance, organized stalking, and harassment. Attorney Wilson states, "Many citizens are desperate to be freed from the disturbing, intrusive and oppressive targeting."

A March 21, 2008 article published by the magazine, New Scientist, details a declassified US Army report on non-lethal weapons and their biological effects including reproductive disorders and cancer. The report was released under the US Freedom of Information Act by the US Army Intelligence and Security Command at Fort Meade, Maryland. It gives an overview of what in 1998 was state-of-the-art technology for crowd control and other applications. As stated in the article, "The DOD confirmed to New Scientist that it released the documents, which detail five different 'maturing non-lethal technologies' using microwaves, lasers and sound." Over a decade later, not only has this technology advanced, but so has its potential to inflict serious injury and death.

Furthermore, research from Project Censored, substantiates that, "New technological capabilities have been developed in black budget projects over the last few decades--including the ability to influence human emotion, disrupt thought, and present excruciating pain through the manipulation of magnetic fields. The US military and intelligence agencies have at their disposal frightful new weapons, that have likely already been covertly used and/or tested on humans, both here and abroad, and which could be directed against the public in the event of mass protests or civil disturbance." FFCHS and Attorney Wilson assert that a growing number of Americans are reporting symptoms that include, but are not limited to, severe physical trauma such as shocks, stings, burning, nausea, and sleep deprivation.

Targeted Individuals (TI's) of domestic terrorism originate from many different backgrounds and are affected physically, psychologically, socially, and economically as a result of the organized stalking and DEW torture. FFCHS President, Derrick Robinson explains, "The average American would be astonished to learn the extent to which secret surveillance technology has advanced today; to learn that remote manipulation and torture of the human mind and body is now possible and that all are at risk of horrendous abuses at the hands of technological predators."

Freedom from Covert Harassment & Surveillance began in 2006 as a conference call group that met weekly for the purposes of support, networking, and advocacy. Under the direction of Derrick Robinson, FFCHS President, the group has since evolved into a non-profit human rights organization bringing awareness to local and state officials, Congress, the media, and the general public concerning the crimes of organized stalking and DEW torture. FFCHS is working tirelessly so that laws will be passed and other measures taken to free those entrapped in what is known as the secret holocaust. If you are a victim and need assistance please visit our website at www.freedomfchs.com.

Freedom from Covert Harassment & Surveillance
Gloria Valentine



Friday, June 27, 2008

State-Sponsored Terror: British and American Black Ops in Iraq

Shining Light on the "Black World"

In January of 2002, the Washington Post ran a story detailing a CIA plan put forward to President Bush shortly after 9/11 by CIA Director George Tenet titled, "Worldwide Attack Matrix," which was "outlining a clandestine anti-terror campaign in 80 countries around the world. What he was ready to propose represented a striking and risky departure for U.S. policy and would give the CIA the broadest and most lethal authority in its history." The plan entailed CIA and Special Forces "covert operations across the globe," and at "the heart of the proposal was a recommendation that the president give the CIA what Tenet labeled "exceptional authorities" to attack and destroy al Qaeda in Afghanistan and the rest of the world." Tenet cited the need for such authority "to allow the agency to operate without restraint -- and he wanted encouragement from the president to take risks." Among the many authorities recommended was the use of "deadly force."

...Specifically, the plan "recommends the creation of a super-Intelligence Support Activity, an organization it dubs the Proactive, Preemptive Operations Group (P2OG), to bring together CIA and military covert action, information warfare, intelligence and cover and deception. For example, the Pentagon and CIA would work together to increase human intelligence (HUMINT) forward/operational presence and to deploy new clandestine technical capabilities." The purpose of P2OG would be in "‘stimulating reactions’ among terrorists and states possessing weapons of mass destruction, meaning it would prod terrorist cells into action, thus exposing them to ‘quick-response’ attacks by US forces."[2] In other words, commit terror to incite terror, in order to react to terror.

Article by Andrew G. Marshall here:


Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Good Government

"The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only object of good government... The mass of mankind has not been born with saddles on their backs, nor a favored few to ride them."

~~~~ Thomas Jefferson

9/11 Truth "Forever"

Thank you for visiting The Journal of 9/11 Studies, a peer-reviewed, open-access, electronic-only journal, covering the whole of research related to the events of 11 September, 2001. Many fields of study are represented in the journal, including Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Psychology. All content is freely available online. Our mission in the past has been to provide an outlet for evidence-based research into the events of 9/11 that might not otherwise have been published, due to the resistance that many established journals and other institutions have displayed toward this topic. The intention was to provide a rapid acceptance process with full peer review.

Go Here: http://www.journalof911studies.com/

We are a non-partisan association of Architects, Engineers, and affiliates, who are dedicated to exposing the falsehoods and to revealing truths about the “collapses” of the WTC high-rises on 9/11/01.

We call upon Congress for a truly independent investigation with subpoena power. We believe that there may be sufficient evidence to conclude that the World Trade Center buildings #1 (North Tower), #2 (South Tower), and #7 (the 47 story high-rise across Vessey St.) were destroyed not by jet impact and fires but by controlled demolition with explosives.

We believe that this website, as well as the other referenced sites, contains the information necessary to demonstrate to all with an open mind that this is the case, and that such an investigation is warranted and overdue. We believe that the available relevant evidence casts grave doubt on the government's official story of these “collapses”.

Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth are encouraged to take an active role by reporting the results of their research on 9/11 by means of lectures, articles, and methods of disseminating the truth about the 9/11 WTC building “collapses”.

Go Here: http://www.ae911truth.org/

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Population Control: The Eugenics Connection

Has eugenics faded away with time, or has the pseudo science morphed and cloaked itself under new auspices? Were some of the original founders of population control efforts themselves eugenicists? How and when did eugenicists shift from Galton era ideals to Malthusian population control?


