Friday, May 22, 2009


3 November 2006
Taken from page 9.

"(2) The Under Secretary of the Navy (UNSECNAV) is the Approval Authority for research involving: (a) Severe or unusual intrusions, either physical or psychological, on human subjects (such as consciousness-altering drugs or mind-control techniques)."

Published May 14, 2009 in Wired Magazine a very important article:

Danger Room What's Next in National Security
Pentagon Preps Soldier Telepathy Push

"Forget the battlefield radios, the combat PDAs or even infantry hand signals. When the soldiers of the future want to communicate, they'll read each other's minds.

At least, that's the hope of researchers at the Pentagon's mad-science division Darpa. The agency's budget for the next fiscal year includes $4 million to start up a program called Silent Talk. The goal is to "allow user-to-user communication on the battlefield without the use of vocalized speech through analysis of neural signals." That's on top of the $4 million the Army handed out last year to the University of California to investigate the potential for computer-mediated telepathy.

Before being vocalized, speech exists as word-specific neural signals in the mind. Darpa wants to develop technology that would detect these signals of "pre-speech," analyze them, and then transmit the statement to an intended interlocutor. Darpa plans to use EEG to read the brain waves. It's a technique they're also testing in a project to devise mind-reading binoculars that alert soldiers to threats faster the conscious mind can process them.

The project has three major goals, according to Darpa. First, try to map a person's EEG patterns to his or her individual words. Then, see if those patterns are generalizable - if everyone has similar patterns. Last, "construct a fieldable pre-prototype that would decode the signal and transmit over a limited range."

The military has been funding a handful of mind-tapping technology recently, and already have monkeys capable of telepathic limb control. Telepathy may also have advantages beyond covert battlefield chatter. Last year, the National Research Council and the Defense Intelligence Agency released a report suggesting that neuroscience might also be useful to "make the enemy obey our commands." The first step, though, may be getting a grunt to obey his officer's remotely-transmitted thoughts."

The material below was taken from our book Earth Rising the Revolution - Toward a Thousand Years of Peace. It was a pre 9-11 expose on what was to come and it is now here!

In "a dramatic demonstration of mind reading, neuroscientists have created videos of what a cat sees by using electrodes implanted in the animal's brain. 'Trying to understand how the brain codes information leads to the possibility of replacing parts of the nervous system with an artificial device,' he said." The scientist commenting on this technology saw the future possibility of brain activity mapping being used in creating electronic components to replace damaged parts of the system. The use of mind mapping had other possibilities as well. Similar research was pursued by Dr. José Delgado at one of the country's leading research institutions in controlling the behavior of humans and animals. Actual testing of certain systems proved "that movements, sensations, emotions, desires, ideas, and a variety of psychological phenomena may be induced, inhibited, or modified by electrical stimulation of specific areas of the brain." By 1985, Dr. Delgado was able to create these effects using only a radio signal sent to the brain remotely, using energy concentrations of less than 1/50th of what the Earth naturally produces. This discovery implied that frequency, waveform and pulse rate (modulation) were the important factors rather than the amount of energy being used. In considering this it makes sense because the human body does not require high electromagnetic power concentration to regulate its normal functioning - the key was in finding the "tuning" mechanisms for locating the right "receiving station" in the brain.

By 1998, publicly released information was being discussed as a result of information openly flowing out of Russia. A meeting was held to assess the threat: the "main purpose of the March meetings was described in the Psychotechnologies memo as to 'determine whether psycho-correction technologies represent a present or future threat to U.S. national security in situations where inaudible commands might be used to alter behavior.'" The threat assessment was likely to begin to condition Americans for the pubic acknowledgement of one of the government's long held secrets - the human mind and body could be controlled remotely without a trace of evidence being left behind. In another quote, one of the leading researchers in this area began to announce his findings: "But psychological-warfare experts on all sides still dream that they will one day control the enemy's mind. And in a tiny, dungeon like lab in the basement of Moscow's ominously named Institute of Psycho-Correction, Smirnov and other Russian psychiatrists are already working on schizophrenics, drug addicts and cancer patients." The results of this research have been investigated and demonstrated to members of the intelligence community in the United States and have even been demonstrated on a Canadian television documentary by Dr. Smirnov.

"Fantasies are thought processes involving internal monologues and imaginative sequences which can motivate healthy people to constructive behavior; likewise, they can inspire unbalanced individuals to destructive or dangerous behavior. One conclusion from that research was that fantasy played a major role among violent criminals. Researchers learned that criminals often daydreamed their fantasies, and then practiced elements of those fantasies before committing their crime. FBI agents determined that violent criminals often exhibit telltale signs as children and as adults. Hence, disturbed employees or students may demonstrate signs of violent fantasies to close observers. Troubled individuals may be obsessively interested in music with violent lyrics, or may have a drug or alcohol problem. When these signs reveal themselves, they should be reported to a threat management team, which can then neutralize the threat, either by therapy, if rehabilitation is possible, or by firing the employee. Workplace and school violence is usually preceded by warning signs." This issue is also an interesting one as the next chapter will show. The ability to determine a "predisposition" for a behavior does not mean that a person will make the "choice" to act on the feelings and internal thoughts. Every person on the planet can remember times when his thoughts were dangerous, immoral or otherwise un-acceptable, falling below the standards set by societal and cultural "norms." Yet, we could have these thoughts in the privacy of our own mind. The trend in the application of mind control technology now would make our most private internal thoughts, as we wrestle with the temptations and choices of everyday life, subject to scrutiny by government and employers. Who will define the rules for psycho-correction? Who will decide what is ethical and right in this area as it develops over the next decade?

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