Sunday, January 12, 2020

Cyberside Chat ROUGH DRAFT (To Be Continued in 3-2020)

Hey folks,

I just wanted to start writing on here again and update everyone on my situation and current thinking. Some of this may be a repetition of what I have already wrote but a lot will be new. As I have written before, I hope what I am doing here is able to help other Targeted Individuals (TI's) out there learn about what is going on with relation to Directed Energy Weapons (DEW's), how to possibly cope, the capabilities of the systems, the mindset of the users, and the political aspects surrounding these weapons and their use. I also hope to share books and literature that I have acquired since my last post. The impetus for writing now is that 2020 will be a very important year for this country. But even more than that, the DEW attacks have not abated, in fact they have increased. Just this weekend, Iv'e encountered more Street Theater (which I refer to now as Shit Theater), Sleep Deprivation, and REM Manipulation (which I refer to as Dream Hacking), along with the daily shocks, burning sensations, and voice to skull/subliminal suggestion effects. I consider each individual attack a crime, something that would be a felony if done on the street with similar type weapons/effects (e.g. If I approached someone on the street and I used a stun gun or cattle prod on them without their consent). This is why the technology is secret. I will write about this more later.

Just to remind folks a little bit about my situation and my current thoughts. SURVEILLANCE.

I moved to the state of Oregon in June of 2002 after exiting the military. It was shortly thereafter that I discovered I was under some sort of surveillance. Looking back I realize I was under surveillance even while in the Army; possibly since I joined in 1989. I am still under surveillance today. Let me start by saying there are basically two forms of surveillance, legal and illegal. It seems to me that legal surveillance is used when those conducting it need something to present to courts as evidence. Illegal surveillance takes place where the information gleaned is used to parallel construct some other sort of crime. Some other dates of interest; it wasn't until 2004 that I started questioning the 9/11 report. I had learned about WTC building 7 falling at free fall speed and collapsing into its own footprint. In June of 2005, I started this Blog. It was at this time that I started experiencing what I call the effects of DEW's. In 2006, I encountered Robert Duncan on yahoo in a forum for Mind Control victims. It was at this time we starting communicating regularly. I will be posting some of our communications on this post (below is one that took place in 2006 in which I was experimenting with some of the shielding technology that he was working on. I am keeping my email address anonymous because it is still active, I'm pretty sure his is inactive at MindAvenger. Readers will be able to see the date and time of the email and the body of the email. Robert has since went on to write the books Project SoulCatcher vol2 and How To Tame A Demon. He has also posted some YouTube videos where he speaks with other TI's and he has even been on the Jesse Ventura series, Conspiracy Theory 2009-2012. FYI, (Robert himself was targeted and tortured and is not what some believe, a disinformation agent). In 2011, I bought Robert's book PSC and in 2014 I bought HTTAD, both from Amazon. One other book that I bought in 2014 that is germane to my situation is called Closing the
Gap and has to do with Gang Stalking (which I was experiencing since 2002). I've only lived in two cities since moving to Oregon, one i'll call Original and the other Current. I lived in the Original city from 2002-2006. I lived in Current city from 2006-2020. It's been 18 years since I moved to Oregon and this has left some Burning Questions which I will present below in no specific order.

1. Was I under surveillance by law enforcement at any level (local, state, federal) from 2000-2020?

This question comes up for several reasons. I have reasons to believe, Yes. The number one reason is because of a statement that I read when I was living in the Original city, at my second residence (I lived in three all together, I'll get two and three later in the post). I was starting to experience an increase in what is called Gang Stalking and/or Shit Theater. I went to the local Sheriff's office to apply for a Concealed Weapons Permit. While there, I asked the Deputy if there would be anything that would be a problem for me and he said he would check. I didn't want to spend the money and then get denied. When the Deputy returned he gave me a piece of paper from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) that read the following: [My first and last name, current address, and a statement that read, 'Paranoid after leaving Special Forces'.] At the time, this seemed quite strange. I asked the Deputy if this would disqualify me and he replied, "No", and that they (the Sheriff's Department) would determine my eligibility, not the FBI. I said, "OK", filled out the application and wrote the check.

Quick Background Recap: 2002-2004. Second residence in Original city.

Up until this point, I had already moved from my first residence and into the second. I did this because it was at the first residence that I first detected the surveillance. The situational awareness I had developed over the years in the Army (Individual Terrorism Awareness Course, INTAC) and through my research into the subject (J.E. Hoover's FBI tactics), was telling me something was wrong. At first, neighbors around me were moving from their long time residences, abruptly, and being replaced with suspicious looking people. Then I noticed the apartment across the parking lot from me seemed to never have people in a certain room, even though it was supposedly occupied by someone (I would later learn this was a surveillance technique in which a camera/monitor would be set up to keep track of who went into and out of my apartment and when. This would help the perps know when they themselves could enter to do searches / sneak and peeks. They had to make sure nobody was in the residence when they entered. This was the only entrance in the apartment. Later on, when I suspected somebody was entering my apartment, the perps would go in and move around furniture and other things to create paranoia in me, the target, but also as a way to give me the middle finger for catching them.)

Some other clues that I believed (and still do today) were evidence of surveillance are pretty wild so bear with me. After my neighbors had abruptly left after years of living there, I decided I wanted to meet the new neighbors but I never saw them go in or out of the apartment. I could hear footsteps and other sounds (they lived directly above me) but never saw them directly. At times, during the day, I would sit by my open door and wait to see if anybody would walk by so I could say hi and meet and greet (the apartment above me was the only one; 3 stories. I also had a neighbor below me, I was in the middle). On one particular day, I noticed a man walking up to the neighbor above wearing a Red jacket. I didn't think much of it at the time. It did verify that someone was living in the apartment. I never saw the man leave. Days afterward, when talking with a neighbor that lived across from me, (he was a new tenant also), another man wearing the same type of Red jacket approached us as if he was there for a reason but neither of us knew the man. I can't remember what he said he was doing. At the time, I'm pretty sure whichever agency was conducting the surveillance knew that I was onto something and they were afraid that I would start suspecting all the neighbors around my apartment. This created an added dimension because now it's possible that the agency conducting the surveillance is responsible for anyone that are truly involved in the activity (upstairs neighbor/occupant), along with those involved involuntary (those being lied to about activity going on in my apartment when I am not home), neighbors below and adjacent. Later on I will add one more accomplice and that will be the apartment manager (who lived in the building but not the apartment that the camera was located, which was separate from the building I was living in. This person would have to know about these activities, and because of this, the agency in charge deployed what I determined to believe was a SWAT sniper unit later on in the story.
So back to the point, I think the idiots in the red jackets were undercover agents who were on the ground, in the area, in case I were to retaliate because of what I was suspecting (see my background and training in the profile).
Another thing that I learned about during the time I was under surveillance would be the use of birds to conduct surveillance.  After suspecting that there was a camera in the apartment across from mine, I started to situate myself in areas around the building in which the camera couldn't pick up on. I still hadn't met the "neighbor" above yet and decided I would wait outside the apartment at times. It was at this time that I started to notice little black birds all around the area outside of my apartment building. I had never seen them before, but especially at night. I would play this game with the birds where I would hide just out of sight of the camera and one of the little beady eyed black birds would get to where it could see me and then start chirping away. I would go into my apartment after a while and they would leave or perch somewhere close by the building. As I have said before, there was even one time when the birds were watching through a balcony window that was connected to my apartment. Below is a photo (exhibit 1) of the area where I lived. I lived in the apartment where the red dot is located above the roof. The green dot you see on the roof is the location of the camera and it's also the building where the Apt manager lived. In the book below on Surveillance Technologies, which I didn't purchase until 10 years after this incident,  is a chapter (14) on how animals are used for surveillance purposes.
Another thing that would lead me to believe I was under surveillance happened early one morning at the first residence. It was about 3-4 o'clock in the morning and everything was calm and quiet when I decided to leave my residence without warning. I really wanted to test my hunches and see if any reaction would take place. So I ran to the place with the blue dot on Exhibit 1 and laid in the bushes silently without moving. After about 2 minutes, the streets were filled with at least five cars going up and down the roads over over frantically. I knew at this time that something was going on. This was not a coincidence. After about 5 minutes of laying in the bushes silently watching the cars crisscross back and forth up and down the streets, I got up and walked North  to a  store located just a few blocks away.

Later, I want to continue this story and explain about the yellow dot in Exhibit 1and the suspected sniper.  Stay Tuned because we just getting started. I want to tell about my two other residences and what occurred at each.

Petersen, J.K. (Purchased 2012)      Chapter 14 Animals 
23 titles for surveillance on Amazon   

2. If I was under surveillance was it Legal or Illegal and under what authority?

***UPCOMING: What I call the COMEY COMPARTMENT (this relates to former FBI Director James Comey, former CIA Director John Brennan, former NSA Director Mike Adams, and those currently holding those offices). This along with what is called #Spygate, the silent coup against POTUS Donald Trump and FISA abuse. Also PATRIOT ACT 1 & 2.

I want to flesh this out more. I am working on my lap top and don't have Wi-Fi at home so this writing is interrupted at inconvenient times occasionally. I have a phone with data plan but its to hard to work on the blog on the phone (plus the touch screen gets hacked from these shit slugs).

Exhibit 1: Photo of my first residence in the original city.

Below is one of several conversations (through email) I had with Robert Duncan back in 2006. I highly encourage everyone to buy and read his book titled Project Soulcatcher which I have posted (a pic) of on this blog. I will write more about this later.

Another email between Robert Duncan and myself in 2007. I'm posting these emails to demonstrate the subject we were dealing with and the time frame in which it was happening. This conversation took place 13 years ago. The article I sent Robert is still available at the following link:

Download this article below from Pinneo written in 1975. Yes that's right folks 45 years ago. This is for the critics and skeptics who think this technology doesn't exist. You would have to be living in your parents basement and playing video games all day to not understand this research.


  • Mind Avenger 
    Mar 2, 2007 at 3:56 PM

    I'm quite familiar with that article thanks.
    Not enough work hours in a day to accomplish as much as I would like of 
    course, but making steady progress on all fronts.

    ----Original Message Follows----
    Subject: Hello
    Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2007 14:36:29 -0800 (PST)

    How's it going, just writing to say hi and see how you are doing. Any word 
    on the movie production? How is the editing for the book coming along? 
    Goodluck. I also thought I would pass on a good article. Peace 

    The Pinneo research alone is sufficient to refute dogmatic but ill-informed 
    assertions often made, even three decades or so after Pinneo’s the research 
    was conducted, that it remains impossible even today, and will remain 
    impossible for the foreseeable future, for one person to ascertain what 
    another person is thinking, by analysing biological data, such as the EEG 
    readings which Pinneo used.

      Go to the link below to find this amazing article.

      http://www.slavery. htm

      Copy and Paste.

Oct 24, 2006 at 10:23 PM

The move is a good one but it has set me back 3+ weeks in writing and 
scientific research. I was also very active on World Day and filled giant 
weather balloons and wrote words on them in front of the state capitol 
building. I had signs up. Everything got taken down within 48 hours which 
isn't too bad. I did video interviews of citizens to make a small 
documentary to show how people are just so ignorant of directed energy 
weapons and human experimentation history in the US. The people would 
overthrow the government if they could just understand and believe what they 
have done to us.

Low frequency magnetic fields can penetrate the mylar. covering a whole room 
(ceiling and walls) and using another one as a blacket helps. Yes they do 
provide some protection without adding high voltage electron noise in their 
return signal. You should not be affraid of the pads. Just make sure they 
are attached snugly to your skin before turning on the device. It is worth a 
try since it has help many people. The worst side effect reported was a 
rash. Other shielding like mu-metal used in combination works well. Mu-metal 
is expensive though but blocks magnetic fields.

----Original Message Follows----

To: Mind Avenger <>
Subject: RE: Shielding results
Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2006 14:26:21 -0700 (PDT)

Hey, how's it going with you? I'm ok I guess. I have not tried the pads on 
my body directly. I have just been using it on the mylar sheets but I can 
give it a try and see what happens. Do you think it is safe to use the 12 
volt adapter or go to batteries? I also was wondering does the mylar deflect 
the signals any without the electricity running through them. Can the EM or 
microwave or anything go right through the mylar sheet with the electricity 
attached or do they have to go around it someway like the cyclotron current 
driving. If I put up 3 more mylar sheets without electricity will they be 
helpful? How is you book coming along, I can't wait to read it and tell 
everyone about it. How did your move to Idaho work out? Well take care of 
yourself and I will write again in about a week in the mean time. 

Mind Avenger <> wrote:  Did you ever try the 
neuropads directly on your body during an attack?