Sunday, April 28, 2024

(AI)^2 When Actual Idiots Meet Artificial Intelligence

This is a post I have been wanting to start for a while. I want it to be a catalogue of all the stupid shit, 50IQ cowards do with the technology described in the book MKTECH. This will give the reader a glimpse into the petty and stupid mindset of these shit clowns when they are surveilling and torturing Targeted Individuals (TI's). I have many to share but one will have to do for today. 


So, I was driving through town into work today when I noticed a Fire Engine Truck set up in a parking lot next to the road. Next to the Fire Truck were fire fighters setting out firefighting boots. Then I saw a sign that said, 'Fill the Boot'. It was at this time that I realized they were setting up a fundraiser. I hadn't seen anything like this since I lived in Eugene. This is an event where the fire fighters set up at stations along the road and hold out the boots for people to put money into. It's not mandatory to give but I think it's something everyone could get behind if they had a little spare change (or if you are rich, could give a lot). 

All of a sudden, after my vehicle was down the road about 100 feet, I felt a sharp pain in the arch of the bottom of my left foot that lasted about 10 seconds and then subsided. Now, being hit with this directed energy was nothing new to me but it did provide another example of the mentality behind the criminals. They love to try and be cute or slick, thinking that impresses me but it doesn't. So, besides providing you a picture of their sick and petty IQ's, let's also look at the technology and technique side of the equation. This will also be useful when I finish writing about the 8 stages of awareness. 

This should inform the TI of several things. The weapon system is remote, it has pinpoint accuracy on the body, it is specifically timed (with no more than a few seconds delay), it has varying degrees of intensity and duration (meaning it could be more or less painful for longer or shorter times), and it involves the non-visual part of the Electromagnetic Spectrum (EM). Several factors could have been used to commit the assault such as whether a satellite was tracking my vehicle in real time (I could have taken a different route to work which would have prevented me from seeing the fundraiser), did the system pick up what I was seeing in my visual field (the boots), and did the system detect my silent reading speech (when I said to myself, I haven't seen the Fire Station Boot Drive Fundraiser since Eugene). When I say system, I mean the technology itself and the users (i.e. the ground and space-based weapons and technology coupled with super computers, artificial intelligence, and 50IQ operators). 

So, just a few final thoughts and questions. 

There will be some out there reading this who will question this and deny that it is possible or actually happening. They will make excuses to brace their mind like, that could have just been a natural ache or pain, or that is something psycho-somatic in the individual, or that the person is delusional or paranoid. After 20 years of dealing with this shit, that is understandable and that is why I will describe those people in the 8 stages of awareness (they will be in one of the first three stages). For those with an open mind, let's explore further. 

If what I am saying is true and if the material in the MKTECH book posted is real and true, what can we extrapolate about other phenomena such as weather control and warfare (i.e. droughts and floods), Geoengineering (i.e. earthquakes and tsunamis), etc. What are the implications for the world in the present and the future if these systems are targeting World leaders, scientists, doctors, journalists, soldiers, politicians, teachers, inventors, entrepreneur's, police, fire fighters, lawyers, judges, actors, pilots, sea captains, engineers, astronauts, spies, investigators, and even whole populations. This is the umbrella of what I call Gyges Ring, of which I will go into further detail in another post. 

Stay Tuned for more. 

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

The 8 Stages of Awareness of Surveillance and TI Torture.

 In this post, I am going to write about the 8 stages of Awareness that I went through on my journey (and continue to do so) as a TI. 

Stage1: This is the Forever Ignorant Stage. This bears a huge importance because most of humanity is in this stage (.01 percent of the population of the planet at best).  

Closing The GAP

Here is another book I need TI's to read so that they can learn about the "Community Notification Programs" going on behind their back. I will write more on this later. Get used to reading because I don't have time to explain everything.